Managing SIP Entities

The following SIP configuration is configured for the Customer Experience service:

Calling Profiles represent logical containers for trunks and emergency strings that are used for outbound routing and emergency calling configurations. At least one calling profile is per region. Every number is associated with a single calling profile. When the Calling Profile is assigned to a service, links are created between the service and the SBC. Calling profiles are configured by AudioCodes Professional Services (see Calling Profiles).
SBC Scripts are used for configuring the SIP Connection type applied to the script on the SBC device that manages calls made the users of the service (see Manage SBC Scripts).
SIP Connections are used by Live Platform for Calls and Voice Quality management. A unique connection is created for each service. Call Data records are sent to Live Platform from the SBC device that manages calls made by users of the service. Live Platform segregates the retrieved data according to the IP group. One or more connections are created on the SBC device in the 'Calling profile' associated with a link in Live Platform .