Managing Service Requests
You can connect to the AudioCodes Support portal to submit incidents and Service Requests.
This portal is compatible with most browsers including Chrome Version 49 and later, Firefox Version 45 and later and Internet Explorer Version 11 and later.
To manage service requests: |
In the menu toolbar, choose Service Request. |
Enter your login credentials. |
Upon login, the Ticket History page appears on the screen. All open tickets are listed and can be sorted and searched.
The Ticket History page provides a list of all the tickets opened by your organization as shown in the figure above. You can sort the tickets by specific fields:
Ticket number ( yymmdd-xxxxxx) (sortable field) |
Customer - Typically identifies the name of your organization. If you are a Channel Partner or Service Provider, you may see tickets for all customers with whom you are affiliated with and provide support to. |
Type – Identifies the type of ticket: |
Advanced Hardware Replacement (AHR) |
On Site Spare Unit(OSSU) |
Subject – Provides a short description of the reported issue |
Priority – Indicates the priority of the issue |
Status – Identifies the current status of the ticket. Some of the most commonly used statuses are listed below: |
New: New ticket created and has not yet been assigned to an Engineer. |
Awaiting Customer Approval: A solution/response has been reached and the ticket can be closed. |
Awaiting Customer Info: Additional information is required from you to advance to the next level of troubleshooting. |
On Hold: Tickets has been put on hold per customer request. |
Closed: The issue has been fully resolved and the ticket is closed. |
In Process: The support engineer assigned to the ticket is reviewing the details of the ticket. |
In Process_v: The ticket has been sent to R&D for further evaluation. |
Updated by Customer: Status following a ticket update from you through the service portal or email. |
Updated by Support Engineer: Status following a ticket update from the Support Engineer assigned via email. |
Waiting for Fixed Version: A solution has been identified and a software release is in process. |
CCM Completed, Awaiting Approval: The change request submitted has been completed and is awaiting customer approval to close. |
Contacting Carrier: Service Request is being worked by the engineer assigned and we are working with the carrier to complete your request. |
Transfer Pending: Service Request submitted is being worked by the support engineer and is pending carrier approval. |
Transfer Approved: Transfer request has been approved by the carrier. |
Transfer Complete: Transfer request has been completed. |
DID Onboarding: Your request to enable the DIDs is in process. |
Assignee: Identifies the assigned engineer for this ticket. |
Updated: Identifies the date the ticket was last updated. |
Please be advised that all times are displayed in US Eastern Time. Currently we do not have an option to display the time according to the various global time zones.
The following features are also available on the Ticket History page:
Search: Ticket History can be searched by Keyword, Status, Customer, Priority, and Type, in order to find specific tickets for customers that have extensive ticket history. You can also search for the tickets that you have created. |
Export: The displayed ticket history can be exported into a comma-separated (CSV) file spreadsheet for further customer exploration and reports. |