Two-step DNS Provisioning

This procedure describes how to run the Onboarding Wizard to provision a DNS subdomain using the two-step method.

Do the following:
1. Click Here to Provision M365 Domain and DNS Automatically.

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2. From the Region/Country drop-down, select the newly created region e.g. DEMOBRAD that you added in Registering DNS Application.
3. Select the configured License Plan of the user e.g. Microsoft 365 E5 (no Teams)

The Microsoft Office 365 Phone System user license should be preloaded as described in Section Activating the Providers Domain. If not, make a license available and then click Reload. The system is refreshed and searches for an available license for the tenant. The license plan is then loaded. The following license types can be made available:

Microsoft 365 E5 (no Teams)
Microsoft Teams Enterprise
Office 365 E1 / E3 with Microsoft Teams Phone Standard

A new domain and DNS TXT record is created by the Onboarding script.

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4. Copy the full record name <customername.domainname> and the TXT values to Notepad.
5. On your DNS Hosting platform, configure a new record with the values that you copied above, and then confirm .

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6. Click Verify and Configure Domain.

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The verification process may take several tries to complete.

7. You are prompted to configure an A Record on the DNS Hosting platform.

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8. Open the customer Azure portal, and then in the Navigation pane, select Custom domain names.

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Notice the new domain that has been created.

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9. On the DNS Hosting platform, search for the TXT record that you create above, and then overwrite it by creating the A Record.

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The user is created and the verification and configuration of the new domain is complete.

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10. Return to the Onboarding wizard. Notice that the new domain now appears in the drop-down list for the Online PSTN Gateway field.

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11. Click Next to continue.

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12. Complete the wizard as described in Complete the Onboarding wizard as described in Onboarding with both M365 Default Routing and SBC Configuration.