Searching for Users | Devices

You can search for a user in the Manage Users page.

To search for a user:
1. Open the Manage Users page (Setup > Users & Devices > Manage Users).

2. From the 'Tenant' drop-down, select a tenant in which to search. This narrows the search.
3. From the 'Search Users' drop-down, select Search Users (default) or Search Users and Devices.
4. [If you select Search Users] In the 'Search by name' field, enter the name of the user you're trying to locate.
5. [If you select Search Users and Devices] In the 'Search by name and device' field, enter the name of the user you're trying to locate or the MAC address of the device you're trying to locate.
6. From the 'Number of users' drop-down, select the number of users you want displayed per page. The default is 25.