View Your License

Use of Live Platform server platform processes is managed by a license that controls the time period validity for the use of the platform.

The License page displays the license's properties, including the number of days remaining until it expires.

To view your license's properties:
1. Open the License Properties page (Setup > System > License).

2. Use the table below as reference.




Indicates the license's status (Enable or Disable). If enabled and the configured time expires, connection to the OVOC server platform is denied. When it expires, Device Manager is rendered non-usable. Contact your AudioCodes partner if the license expires.

Expiration Date

Displays DD:MM:YY.

Days Left

The number of days remaining until your license expires. Minus indicates your license has expired. Contact your AudioCodes partner if the license expires.

Number of devices

The total number of devices deployed in your enterprise network.

If a license expires, communications with all servers will be suspended; users will not be able to log in, and it will not be possible to add new phones.

The time zone is determined by the OVOC server's Date & Time menu settings. If an expiration date is not configured, the 'Expiration Date' field displays Unlimited.

As the license's expiration date approaches, warning alarms are issued:
A Major alarm is sent when 80% of the period defined in the currently running device's license is consumed
A Critical alarm is sent when 100% of the period defined in the currently running device's license is consumed
When the maximum number of devices reporting to OVOC is exceeded, the OVOC server blocks them and sends an alert that is displayed in the Home page.