Onboarding Interaction Insights Services

The Interaction Insights service lets you record audio and desktop sharing for your M365 tenant targeted users. Extended Service capabilities include BYOS Azure storage and Geographical Redundancy for Double Recording in a paired region for data disaster recovery.

To add a service:
1. Do one of the following:
In the Customers page, click Add, and then from the down-down list, choose Interaction Recording.

In the Services page, click Add Service, and then from the down-down list, choose> Interaction Recording.

2. From the Select Customer drop-down list, select the name of the customer for which you wish to add the service, and then click Select.

3. Enter the details of the customer according to the table below.

Tenant Management




The warning icon indicates that the parameter cannot be modified.

Customer (M365 Tenant) Name

Unique name Example: CN.com Note the following rules:

Limited to 128 characters
The following characters cannot be used: \ / : * ? " < > |
Can contain letters (lower/UPPER case)
Numbers and special characters are allowed but cannot contain a full stop (.) or blank spaces
Hyphens are allowed but not at the beginning or at the end and not one after another

Unique domain Example: M365x33712845.onmicrosoft.com ( Limited to 256 characters)

Short Company Name

Unique name Example: CN.com Note the following rules:

Limited to 32 characters
The following characters cannot be used: \ / : * ? " < > |
Can contain letters (lower/UPPER case)
Numbers and special characters are allowed but cannot contain a full stop (.) or blank spaces
Hyphens are allowed but not at the beginning or at the end and not one after another
Contact Email Addresses Enter the email addresses of those in the enterprise who can be contacted and will receive the email notifications. Click Add to add the address.
Customer Default Administrator UPNs Enter User Principal Names. Each comprises: UPN prefix (the user account name) and UPN suffix (a DNS domain name). The prefix is joined with the suffix using the "@" symbol. For example, "someone@example.com". For the full access default administrator, users are able to access the Meeting Insights application and set it up for the organization. Click Add after each entry. Click Add to add the UPN.

User Type

Specify the user license type:

Essential: Single Recording users
Pro: Double Recording with Paired Bot users. When this option is selected, the Advanced Storage option (see below) is enabled. The customer is required to consent separately in the Quick Start for enabling this feature.

Included Users

Enter the number of licensed users to include in the tenant. For more information, refer to the Purchase Order (PO).

Allow to Exceed Included Users

Disabled (not in use).

Storage Location

From the drop down list, select the storage location country/region.

A default system Blob Storage location is created based on this configuration.

Bring Your Own Blob Storage(BYOS)

Enabled: Allows adding BYOS Blob locations
Disabled: Denies adding BYOS Blob locations

Unlimited Retention

Enabled: Allows customizing the number of days to retain data to an unlimited value. Unlimited” retention is a service offering that enables customers to pay per user per month for all recording users in the tenant. The Number of Days to retain data can be configured using the Custom value for the Retention Period (Days) setting in the Recording Profile. This feature must be enabled in the Tenant service in the Tenant Management interface.
Disabled: Data Retention is limited to 24 months (default 12 months).


Enter any free text notes as required.


Compliance Exception Features

Control MSFT Teams Recording Notifications

Determines whether to display Microsoft Teams banner recording notifications. One of the following values:

Enabled: Enables the customer to configure their Recording Profile for controlling whether Microsoft Teams Banner notifications are displayed to calls participants. .

By default enabled by Microsoft Teams.

Disabled (Default): The Customer cannot configure whether to display notification banners.

Customers must sign a legal waiver to allow their Service Provider to control display of Microsoft Teams Recording Notification banners.

Delete Calling Recordings

Determines whether customers can disable call recordings. One of the following values:

Enabled (you must confirm when prompted)

Disabled (Default)

Advanced Storage

(Geographical Redundancy Storage)

Determines whether to enable Geographical redundancy storage data in a paired region for data disaster recovery to protect call recording data from disruptions that may occur in a single location. One of the following values:

Disabled (default)

This parameter is enabled automatically when Pro user license is selected and disabled automatically when Essentials user license is selected.

4. When you have completed the configuration, click Deploy.

The process may take a few minutes to complete.

5. At this stage you can add customer operators for Live Platform and login (see Adding Live Platform Operators).
6. Return to the Customers page. View the new customer with Warning status and alarm indicating that the customer must complete the Consent process in the Quick Start wizard.

7. Once the customer provides all the mandatory consents in the Quick Start wizard (see Quick Start), the Deployment status is shown as OK and Ready. Note that if you enabled the Pro Users license then the License type is "Audio & Redundancy" and for Essentials Users "Audio Recording".