Aggregated Statistics Trends Report Type

The figure below shows an Aggregation report for the 'Services' entity.

The figure below shows an Aggregation report for the 'Devices' entity.

Use the following to get acquainted:

    indicates an administrator-defined report
     indicates the report is public; anyone can view, edit and delete it
indicates the report is private and only authorized persons can view the report
indicates the currently logged in operator is the owner of the report
'Devices Calls Quality Aggregation Report' indicates the defined name of the report
The bar chart indicates the number of voice calls made per time period
The pie chart presents the same information differently; a glance reveals during which time interval (segment) most calls were made; tooltips provide details
The Report Details pane on the right displays among other details:
the report category
the report interval
the date and time the report was executed
the number of entities in the topology
The lowermost table columns show among other details the time, # of calls, call quality metrics, etc.