Metrics Bar Charts

Three metrics / bar charts are displayed by default:

Successful / Failed Calls chart shows the % and # of calls whose performance was evaluated as successful or failed, distributed over time. The chart lets you assess calls performance at a glance. The chart shows when successful calls peaked compared to when failed calls peaked. You can compare this to other charts to identify correlations.
Max Concurrent Calls chart shows the maximum concurrent calls distributed over time. The chart shows when the maximum concurrent calls peaked compared to when they dipped. You can compare this to other charts to identify correlation. Max Concurrent Calls is the maximum number of calls opened at the same time in the server. Note that if you click a bar to open the Calls List page, the number of calls shown in the Calls List page might be different to the number shown in the graph; only calls that end within the time range are displayed in the Calls List page; if a call exceeds the time range, it won't be displayed in the Calls List page.
CallsQualitychart shows the distribution of voice quality (%and # of calls whose voice quality scored Good Fair or Poor) over time. Gray indicates 'Unknown' voice quality. Point the cursor over a color-coded bar segment in any time period to view this pop-up. The date and time indicate when the period has ended.
Compare charts. If, for example, you identify a correlation over time between 'Poor' voice quality and Jitter, then Jitter is the reason for the poor voice quality.
Utilization Distribution chart shows distribution of the media packets network utilization over time. A glance shows when a high rate (in Kbps) was received or transmitted (Rx/Tx rate in Kbps). The chart shows when a network is congested or uncongested, i.e., when voice quality scores may be lower. To view information on a time period, position the cursor over the bar representing the time period; the pop-up shows the date and time on which the period ended and the Rx / Tx rate in Kbps and the kilobits consumed per second during the time period.
Average Call Duration (ACD) chart shows distribution of ACD in the network over time. Point your mouse over a bar to determine average call duration in that time interval.
MOS chart. Point your mouse over a bar to determine the average MOS scored in that time interval.
Packet Loss chart. Point your mouse over the time axis to determine the average packet loss, as a percentage of the total number of packets sent, measured at that time.
Jitter chart. Point your mouse over the time axis to determine the average jitter measured at that time, in milliseconds.
Delay chart. Point your mouse over a bar to determine the average delay measured in that time interval, in milliseconds.
Echo chart. Point your mouse over the time axis to determine the precise average echo measured at that time, in DB.

Values displayed in the charts are reported by devices for representation. Occasionally higher than expected values may be erroneously reported. For example, packet loss might be higher than100%. In this case, contact AudioCodes Support for clarification.