Assign Microsoft Admin Roles to Live Platform Customer Operators

When you secure the customer tenant M365 Admin or Service account user connection, you assigned Admin roles to this user for the purpose of the Daily Replication process to synchronize between Live Platform and the customer M365 tenant platform. For example, syncing users, configuring policies, LifeCycle management and assignment of numbers to users. The same roles (one of the roles listed below) should be assigned to the customer operators that you added in Deploy Live Platform Portal Application to Customer Tenant

Access to Live Platform portal with Azure authentication is secured through the "Oauth" mechanism. This is a separate connection to the Admin connection established by the Onboarding process (see Secure Connection with Customer M365 Tenant Platform).

Teams Administrator: Manages Microsoft Teams service (runs Teams PowerShell) creates voice routes and manages users. This role consolidates both Teams Telephony Administrator and Skype for Business Admin roles.


Teams Telephony Administrator and Skype for Business Admin: Manages voice and telephony features for the Microsoft Teams service. It allows the administrator to manage all calling and meetings features (SIP trunk, phone numbers, and direct routing features) within Microsoft Teams. This includes the configuration of all calling and meeting policies in Skype for Business Online as well.1

Microsoft Teams was built on Skype for Business, there are still legacy cmdlets that are used in Live Platform that requires that role to properly replicate. Teams still rely on old Skype for Business commands in PowerShell. Live Platform uses PowerShell commands to get and or set the users, groups and group members.

To assign administrator roles:
1. Sign-in to the customer tenant with Global Admin or Service account permissions.
2. Open the Azure Active Directory.
3. In the Users screen, choose the user who will have the role to grant consent in the organization.

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4. In the Navigation pane, select Assigned Roles.

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5. Click Add assignments.
6. Add role “Skype for Business Administrator”.

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7. Add role “Teams communications administrator”.

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