Configure User Policy Automatically

Users can be automatically assigned to the correct policies for Location Based Routing by creating and assigning them to a Security group in your M365 tenant. You then create a LifeCycle Management template, bind the correct policies to the template and assign the template with LifeCycle Management to your Security group.

To automatically configure users:
1. In the Multitenant portal Navigation pane, select Unassigned Number Range.
2. Click to add a new number range.
3. Create the desired number range.

4. In the Multitenant portal Navigation pane, select Manage Templates.
5. Click to create a new template.

6. Select Teamscalling and then click Add Policy.

7. Click Add Policy.

8. From the drop-down list, select AllowCallingPreventTollBypass.
9. Click Add Policy.
10. From the drop-down list, select Onlinevoiceroutingpolicy.

11. Click Add Policy.

12. From the drop-down list, select Unrestricted.
13. Enable Enterprise Voice for the users.
14. Assign number from NumberRange.
15. Select the range that you created for this Template above.
16. Click Submit All Changes.
17. In the Navigation pane, select LifeCycle management.

18. Click Add to add a new mapping.

19. Select the desired security group.

20. Apply the new template that you created above and then click Save. Changes and users are now automatically synchronized on each synchronization (every 60 minutes).