Microsoft 365 Dial Plan and Normalization Rules

A dial plan is a named set of normalization rules that translate phone numbers dialed by an individual user into an alternate format (typically E.164) for purposes of call authorization and call routing. Each dial plan consists of one or more normalization rules that define how phone numbers are expressed in various formats and are translated into an alternate format. Normalization rules define how phone numbers expressed in various formats are to be translated. The same number string may be interpreted and translated differently, depending on the locale from which it is dialed. Normalization rules may be necessary if users need to be able to dial abbreviated internal or external numbers from Microsoft 365.

To create a new normalization rule:
1. Click Add New Normalization Rule to add a new Normalization rule.
2. In the pop-up window, the following page appears. This page assists in the building of the required regular Pattern and Translation expressions.

3. Normalization Rule Templates can be assigned to new or existing Dial Plans by double-clicking the normalization rule from the Normalization Rules section in the New or Edit Dial Plan screens.

To add Normalization Rules to a new dial plan:
1. Click Add New Plan to add a new dial plan.

2. Enter the relevant information, select the Normalization rules that you wish to assign to the dial plan, and then click Save.

If multiple rules exist, you can change their order of priority by either using the green arrow buttons or by dragging-and-dropping, by placing one rule above or below another.

To add Normalization rules to an existing dial plan:
1. Select the relevant dial plan.
2. Right-click the selection and then select Edit.

3. In the Edit Dial Plan dialog, select the Normalization Rules that you wish to assign to the dial plan., and then click Save.

If multiple rules exist, you can change their order of priority by either using the green arrow buttons or by dragging-and-dropping, by placing one rule above or below another.