Downloading Provider Settings JSON Configuration File (Operator Connect)

This section describes how to download a JSON file and send it to Microsoft for approval.

To download JSON file:
1. From the Customer Actions drop-down menu, select Operator ConnectDownload JSON.

Graphical user interface, text, application, email

Description automatically generated

An example JSON file is shown below:

{"TrustedIdentityProviderIssuers": [],"OfferTypes": {"Calling": {"IsoCountryCodes": ["Israel"],"ListType": "AllowedMarkets"},"Audio Conferencing": {"IsoCountryCodes": ["Israel"],"ListType": "AllowedMarkets"}},"FriendlyName": "audio-code_co_il","ApplicationIds": ["4ca20c21-925a-442b-a5ea-fa4a06f42de5"],"LandingPage": "","Name": "audio-code_co_il"}




Currently not applicable.


This this will be retrieved through the configurations for the authentication model. You could have multiple applications that you want to configure with different permissions, here you will need to specify all the application IDs. For the purpose of this integration test, one is sufficient.


The tenant ID URL of the AAD (Azure Active Directory) tenant that you will leverage for your authentication configuration.

For example: ["<tenantID>


Represents the name that will be shown in Teams Admin Center in the phone number page when you upload a number (or later in MVP1 leveraged for establishing the name to show in your tile).


Represents the list of markets where a specific service will be delivered, one for calling and one for conferencing. This follows the standard ISO 3166 alpha-2, link for finding the list in the site. For each contact, minimum, "DisplayName", "Email", and "PhoneNumber" need to be specified.


Specifies the markets where you are planning to release the service. This field is set by default to “AllowedMarkets”. However, it is possible to use also “BlockedMarkets”, which instead specifies the markets where the service is not delivered and then the rest are allowed.

2. Send the file to Microsoft for approval.