Managing SBC Devices

The Known SBCs page displays a list of all connected SBC devices. You can perform the following actions:

Reload from OVOC: Reloads the SBC list from the Live Platform (OVOC)
Add SBC Devices: Add new SBC devices which can then later be configured for new customers and site locations when onboarding new customers in the Onboarding wizard.
Show SIP Connections: Show a list of configured site locations that are connected to specific SBC devices.
Show Prefixes: Show a list of configured number prefixes in the dialplans loaded to the managed SBC devices.
Download Dial Plan from Managed SBC (Import Customer Service) : Import a list of customers from the SBC.
To display list of managed SBC devices:
1. In the Multitenant portal Navigation pane, select Configuration > SBC.

The table below describes the details for each managed SBC device.




Id of the Known SBC entry.


Id of the OVOC SBC.


Known FQDN of the SBC device/NAT IP address.

NAT IP Address

NAT IP address of the SBC device.

Device FQDN

Known FQDN of the SBC device.


Indicates whether HTTPS is enabled for the device.

Gateway User

The name of the administrator user account of the SBC.


The status of the connection between Live Cloud and the SBC.

SIP Users Count

The number of SIP users registered for the SBC.

Site Count

The number of site locations that are configured with the SBC.