SQL DBA Script Pairing

Each execution script has an equivalent cleanup script for use in circumstances where you wish to undo the changes executed by the execution script. These two scripts must be paired in the dbo.SBCScriptTemplate table.

To pair SQL DBA scripts:
1. Open the SQL database Object Explorer.

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2. Select SysAdminTenant database.

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3. Expand the Tables folder.

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4. Select the dbo.SBCScriptTemplate table, right-click and select Edit Top 200 Rows.

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The template scenario scripts are displayed.

5. In the dbo.SBCScriptTemplate table, note the scripts that you wish to pair.

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6. Right-click the dbo.SbcScriptRelations table.

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7. Choose Edit Top 200 Rows.

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8. Create a new row and enter the matching Ids for the corresponding Onboarding and Cleanup scripts.

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9. To disable SBC validation, open the dbo.ApplicationSettings table and set SkipSBCValidation to True.

When disabled, the Onboarding script does not check for IP Groups configured on the SBC.

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