
This document describes the AudioCodes Live Cloud for Zoom solution for connecting Zoom customers with Zoom Phone Provider Exchanges.

Zoom Phone offers PSTN Connectivity through either Cloud Peering or Premises Peering though either Native Calling Plans or Bring-Your-Own-Carrier (BYOC) with Premises Peering. The AudioCodes Live Cloud for Zoom solution is implemented for the Cloud Peering with BYOC option. Zoom Phone Provider Exchange with BYOC enables customers to choose their preferred PSTN provider partners and for partners to share their services with a rapidly expanding global customer base. The AudioCodes Live Cloud for Zoom solution connects the Zoom Phone Provider Exchange with cloud peering partners. This process promotes the discovery of new providers, and enable self-service of phone numbers from your selected partner. This solution complements other AudioCodes Live Cloud Cloud unified platform SaaS solutions including Direct routing and Operator Connect . Features of this implementation include:

Cloud peering via AudioCodes Connectivity Hub – reducing interconnectivity overhead carrier to Zoom directly
White labeling of app by obtaining leads from the Zoom Marketplace.
Provider Exchange Multitenant portal for applying licenses, uploading and releasing numbers.
UI/API and full automation layer.
Customer interface for synchronizing and releasing numbers.
Second Day Monitoring and Managed Services.
Attach regional SBC devices to their respective regional Zoom Peering trunks.
Comprehensive SaaS solution including SBC devices and AudioCodes Certified Phones for Zoom including the C470HD, C450HD and C445HD models.