Managing Zoom Phone Leads

This section describes how to manage Zoom Phone leads.

To manage qualified leads:
1. From the Customer Actions drop-down list, select Zoom > Open Qualified Leads Page.

2. From the Tenant drop-down list, choose the Service Provider tenant and then click Select.

The Customer Leads page is displayed.

3. Select the All Customers tab to view a list of all customers.

The following table describes the customer details.

Customer Details

Lead Field


Full Name

The company name.

Service Name

The name of the service.


Then name of the customer.


Company Size


One of the following:

Draft: Customer has been added by Provider Exchange, however Live Platform license has not yet been applied.
Waiting for Customer: Waiting for Customer to Synchronize Numbers
Deployed: Customer Live Platform license has been successfully applied, however numbers have not yet been uploaded.
Ready: Customer has been successfully deployed and numbers have been uploaded.
Removing: Customer is in the process of being removed.
Zoom Account Number

Zoom customer account number.

Consented On

Date when license is applied to customer lead.

Last Modified

Date of last update of the customer account.

The following table describes the table filters.

Table Filters



Customer Name/Zoom Account Number

The name of the customer attached to the service or the Zoom Account Number of the customer.

Consented Date and Created Date

From the drop-down list, choose one of the following:

Last Week
Last Month
Last Year

Last Modified Date

From the drop-down list, choose one of the following:

Last Week
Last Month
Last Year


Deployment statuses:

Waiting for Customer: Waiting for Customer to Synchronize Numbers
Deployed: Customer has been successfully deployed, however numbers have not yet been uploaded.
Ready: Customer has been successfully deployed and numbers have been uploaded.
Wait for Customer: Waiting for Customer approval.
Wait for Provider: Waiting for Provider approval.

4. Select a customer, right-click...and then choose Upload Numbers.

5. From the Zoom Trunk drop-down list, select a configured trunk.
6. Click Add Number and enter either Single number or range. Enter + before country prefix.

7. Click Export Example to export an example number range to a CSV file.