Voice Parameters

The voice parameters are described in the table below.

Voice Parameters



'Input Gain'

configure voip > media voice > input-gain


Global parameter defining the pulse-code modulation (PCM) input (received) gain control level (in decibels).

You can also configure the feature per specific calls, using IP Profiles ('Input Gain' parameter) . For a detailed description of the parameter and for configuring the feature, see Configuring IP Profiles.

Note: If the feature is configured for a specific profile, the settings of the global parameter is ignored for calls associated with the profile.

'Voice Volume'

configure voip > media voice > voice-volume


Global parameter defining the voice gain control (in decibels). This defines the level of the transmitted signal.

You can also configure the feature per specific calls, using IP Profiles ('Voice Volume' parameter) . For a detailed description of the parameter and for configuring the feature, see Configuring IP Profiles.

Note: If the feature is configured for a specific profile, the settings of the global parameter is ignored for calls associated with the profile.

configure voip > media voice codecs > G726-voice-payload-format


Determines the bit ordering of the G.726 voice payload format.

[0] = (Default) Little Endian
[1] = Big Endian

Note: To ensure high voice quality when using G.726, both communicating ends should use the same endianness format. Therefore, when the Device communicates with a third-party entity that uses the G.726 voice coder and voice quality is poor, change the settings of the parameter (between Big Endian and Little Endian).

'Echo Canceler'

configure voip > media voice > echo-canceller-enable


Global parameter enabling echo cancellation (i.e., echo from voice calls is removed).

You can also configure this feature per specific calls, using IP Profiles ('Echo Canceler' parameter) . For a detailed description of the parameter and for configuring the feature, see Configuring IP Profiles .

Note: If the feature is configured for a specific profile, the device ignores this global parameter for calls associated with the profile.

'Network Echo Suppressor Enable'

configure voip/media voice/acoustic-echo-suppressor-enable


Enables the network Acoustic Echo Suppressor feature on SBC calls. This feature removes echoes and sends only the near-end’s desired speech signal to the network (i.e., to the far-end party).

[0] Disable (default)
[1] Enable

Note: For the parameter to take effect, a Device restart is required.

'Echo Canceller Type'

configure voip/media voice/echo-canceller-type


Defines the echo canceller type.

[0] Line echo canceller = (Default) Echo canceller for Tel side.
[1] Acoustic Echo suppressor - network = Echo canceller for IP side.

'Attenuation Intensity'

configure voip/media voice/acoustic-echo-suppressor-attenuation-intensity


Defines the acoustic echo suppressor signals identified as echo attenuation intensity.

The valid range is 0 to 3. The default is 0.

'Max ERL Threshold - DB'

configure voip/media voice/acoustic-echo-suppressor-max-ERL


Defines the acoustic echo suppressor maximum ratio between signal level and returned echo from the phone (in decibels).

The valid range is 0 to 60. The default is 10.

'Min Reference Delay x10 msec'

configure voip/media voice/acoustic-echo-suppressor-min-reference-delay


Defines the acoustic echo suppressor minimum reference delay (in 10-ms units).

The valid range is 0 to 40. The default is 0.

'Max Reference Delay x10 msec'

configure voip/media voice/acoustic-echo-suppressor-max-reference-delay


Defines the acoustic echo suppressor maximum reference delay (in 10-ms units).

The valid range is 0 to 40. The default is 40 (i.e., 40 x 10 = 400 ms).

configure voip > media voice > echo-canceller-hybrid-loss


Defines the four-wire to two-wire worst-case Hybrid loss, the ratio between the signal level sent to the hybrid and the echo level returning from the hybrid.

[0] = (Default) 6 dB
[1] = N/A
[2] = 0 dB
[3] = 3 dB

configure voip > media voice > echo-canceller-NLP-mode


Global parameter enabling Non-Linear Processing (NLP) mode for echo cancellation.

[0] = (Default) NLP adapts according to echo changes
[1] = Disables NLP

Note: If the feature is configured for a specific Tel Profile, the settings of the global parameter is ignored for calls associated with the Tel Profile.

configure voip > media voice > echo-canceller-aggressive-NLP


Enables the Aggressive NLP at the first 0.5 second of the call.

[0] = Disable
[1] = (Default) Enable. The echo is removed only in the first half of a second of the incoming IP signal.

Note: For the parameter to take effect, a Device restart is required.

configure voip > media RTP-RTCP > number-of-SID-coefficients


Defines the number of spectral coefficients added to an SID packet being sent according to RFC 3389.

The valid values are [0] (default), [4], [6], [8] and [10].