Adding New Table Rows

The following procedure describes how to add table rows, using the table's New button. By default, the row is added to the end of the table and assigned the next available index number (see note in Step 2).

To add a row using the New button:
1. On the table's toolbar, click the New button; a dialog box appears, displaying the parameters of the table.
2. Configure the parameters as desired, and then click Apply; the row is added at the end of the table.

If you don't configure an index number ('Index' parameter), the row is automatically assigned the next available index number in the table. If you configure an index number, use the next available index number, or any subsequent number up to the table's maximum index (capacity).

For example, assume the last existing row is at index 4 and the table's capacity is 10 rows (i.e., indices 0-9):

If you add a row without specifying an index number, the row is automatically assigned index 5.
If you want to specify an index number, you can use 5 through 9.
If you added the row and assigned it index 8, the next time you add a row, it's automatically assigned index 5 or you can specify one of the following the index numbers: 5, 6, 7, or 9.
3. If the Save button on the Web interfaces toolbar is surrounded by a red border (see figure below), save your settings to flash memory. If you don't save to flash, your configuration is discarded after the device restarts (without a save to flash) or powers off.

Commonly required parameters are displayed in bold font.
If you change the value of a parameter (before clicking Apply), the parameter's field is highlighted, as shown in the example below:

If you configure a parameter to an invalid value, the Device indicates this using special display properties, as described in Invalid Value Indications.
For configuring parameters that reference rows from other tables, see Assigning Rows from Other Tables.