Customizing Browser Tab to Display User-Defined Text

You can customize the tab of the web browser that you use to access the device's Web interface to display any user-defined text.

If you are using the default corporate logo image (AudioCodes) in the Web interface, you can only customize the tab to display "AudioCodes" (default) or the Device's IP address (see Customizing Browser Tab to Display Device's IP Address).
You can customize the tab to display text other than "AudioCodes" only if you are using a non-AudioCodes logo image in the Web interface.
If you have replaced the corporate logo image with text (see Replacing Corporate Logo with Text), the same text is used for the tab.
To customize browser tab with title text:
1. Create an ini file that includes the following parameter settings:
To replace the default text:
UseWebLogo = 1
WebLogoText = <your text, for example, Hello>
To restore the tab title to default (i.e., "AudioCodes"):
UseWebLogo = 0
2. Upload the ini file as an incremental ini file, using the Auxiliary Files page (see Loading Auxiliary Files).
3. Restart the device with a save-to-flash for your settings to take effect.