RTP, RTCP and T.38 Parameters
The RTP, RTCP and T.38 parameters are described in the table below.
RTP/RTCP and T.38 Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
'Dynamic Jitter Buffer Minimum Delay' configure voip > media rtp-rtcp > jitter-buffer-minimum-delay [DJBufMinDelay] |
Global parameter defining the minimum delay (in msec) of the device's dynamic Jitter Buffer. You can also configure the feature per specific calls, using IP Profiles ('Dynamic Jitter Buffer Minimum Delay' parameter). For a detailed description of the parameter and for configuring the feature, see Configuring IP Profiles. Note: If the feature is configured for a specific profile, the settings of the global parameter is ignored for calls associated with the profile. |
'Dynamic Jitter Buffer Optimization Factor' configure voip > media rtp-rtcp > jitter-buffer-optimization-factor [DJBufOptFactor] |
Global parameter defining the Dynamic Jitter Buffer frame error/delay optimization factor. You can also configure the feature per specific calls, using IP Profiles ('Dynamic Jitter Buffer Optimization Factor' parameter) . For a detailed description of the parameter and for configuring the feature, see Configuring IP Profiles . Note: If the feature is configured for a specific profile, the settings of the global parameter is ignored for calls associated with the profile. |
'RTP Redundancy Depth' configure voip > media rtp-rtcp > RTP-redundancy-depth [RTPRedundancyDepth] |
Global parameter that enables the device to generate RFC 2198 redundant packets. You can also configure this feature per specific calls, using IP Profiles ('RTP Redundancy Depth' parameter). For a detailed description of the parameter and for configuring this feature in the IP Profiles table, see Configuring IP Profiles. Note: If you configure this feature for a specific IP Profile, the device ignores this global parameter for calls associated with the IP Profile. |
'RFC 2198 Payload Type' configure voip > media rtp-rtcp > RTP-redundancy-payload-type [RFC2198PayloadType] |
Defines the RTP redundancy packet payload type (according to RFC 2198). The valid value is 96 to 127. The default is 104. Note:
'Packing Factor' [RTPPackingFactor] |
N/A (controlled internally by the device according to the selected coder). |
'RFC 2833 TX Payload Type' configure voip > media rtp-rtcp > telephony-events-payload-type-tx [RFC2833TxPayloadType] |
Defines the Tx RFC 2833 DTMF relay dynamic payload type for outbound calls. The valid range is 96 to 127. The default is 96. Note: When RFC 2833 payload type negotiation is used (i.e., the parameter FirstTxDTMFOption is set to 4), this payload type is used for the received DTMF packets. If negotiation isn't used, this payload type is used for receive and for transmit. |
'RFC 2833 RX Payload Type' configure voip > media rtp-rtcp > telephony-events-payload-type-rx [RFC2833RxPayloadType] |
Defines the Rx RFC 2833 DTMF relay dynamic payload type for inbound calls. The valid range is 96 to 127. The default is 96. Note:
[EnableDetectRemoteMACChange] |
Determines whether the device changes the RTP packets according to the MAC address of received RTP packets and according to Gratuitous Address Resolution Protocol (GARP) messages.
'Forward Invalid RTP Packets' [RTPFWInvalidPacketHandling] |
Defines the device's handling of invalid RTP and RTCP packets.
'Forward Unknown RTP Payload Types' [RtpFWNonConfiguredPTHandling] |
Defines the device's handling of RTP packets that are received with non-configured (unknown) payload types.
'RTP Base UDP Port' configure voip > media rtp-rtcp > base-udp-port [BaseUDPport] |
Global parameter that defines the lower boundary of the UDP port used for RTP, RTCP (RTP port + 1) and T.38 (RTP port + 2). For more information on configuring the UDP port range, see Configuring RTP Base UDP Port. The range of possible UDP ports is 6,000 to Note: For the parameter to take effect, a device restart is required. |
configure voip > media rtp-rtcp > udp-port-spacing [UdpPortSpacing] |
Defines the port spacing ("jumps") of local UDP ports allocated by the device to media channels (legs) within the configured port range.
Note: For UDP port spacing of 2, you must configure the device to use the same port for RTP and T.38, by configuring the [T38UseRTPPort] ini file parameter to 1.
For more information on configuring the UDP port range, port allocation and spacing, see Configuring RTP Base UDP Port. Note: A device restart is required for the parameter to take effect. |
'T.38 Fax Session' configure voip > sip-definition settings > t38-sess-imm-strt [T38FaxSessionImmediateStart] |
Enables fax transmission of T.38 "no-signal" packets to the terminating fax machine.
The parameter is used for transmission from fax machines connected to the device and located inside a NAT. Generally, the firewall blocks T.38 (and other) packets received from the WAN, unless the device behind NAT sends at least one IP packet from the LAN to the WAN through the firewall. If the firewall blocks T.38 packets sent from the termination IP fax, the fax fails. To overcome this, the device sends No-Op (“no-signal”) packets to open a pinhole in the NAT for the answering fax machine. The originating fax doesn't wait for an answer, but immediately starts sending T.38 packets to the terminating fax machine. Note: To enable No-Op packet transmission, use the [NoOpEnable] and [NoOpInterval] parameters. |
configure voip > sip-definition settings > t38-use-rtp-port [T38UseRTPPort] |
Defines the port (with relation to RTP port) for sending and receiving T.38 packets.
'T38 Fax Max Buffer' configure voip > sip-definition settings > t38-fax-mx-buff [T38FaxMaxBufferSize] |
Defines the maximum size (in bytes) of the device's T.38 buffer. This value is included in the outgoing SDP when T.38 is used for fax relay over IP. The valid range is 500 to 3000. The default is |
QoE Parameters |
Defines the interval (in msec) for QoE collection and report generation. The valid value range is 0 to 65,535. The default is 30,000 (i.e., 30 seconds). For more information, see Configuring Interval for QoE Report Collection and Generation. Note:
No-Op Packets Parameters |
no-operation-enable [NoOpEnable] |
Enables the device to send RTP or T.38 No-Op packets during RTP or T.38 silence periods. This mechanism ensures that the NAT binding remains open.
[NoOpInterval] |
Defines the interval (msec) between each RTP or T.38 No-Op packet sent by the device during the silence period (i.e., no RTP/T.38 traffic). The valid range is 20 to 600,000. The default is 1,000. Note: To enable No-Op packet transmission, use the [NoOpEnable] parameter. |
no-operation-interval [RTPNoOpPayloadType] |
Defines the payload type of No-Op packets. The valid range is 96 to 127. For the range of Dynamic RTP Payload Type for all types of non hard-coded RTP Payload types, refer to RFC 3551. The default is 120. Note:
RTP Control Protocol Extended Reports (RTCP XR) Parameters For more information on RTCP XR, see Configuring RTCP XR. |
'Enable RTCP XR' configure voip > media rtp-rtcp > voice-quality-monitoring-enable [VQMonEnable] |
Enables voice quality monitoring and RTCP XR, according to RFC 3611.
'Minimum Gap Size' [VQMonGMin] |
Defines the voice quality monitoring - minimum gap size (number of frames). The default is 16. |
'Burst Threshold' [VQMonBurstHR] |
Defines the voice quality monitoring - excessive burst alert threshold. The default is -1 (i.e., no alerts are issued). |
'Delay Threshold' [VQMonDelayTHR] |
Defines the voice quality monitoring - excessive delay alert threshold. The default is -1 (i.e., no alerts are issued). |
'R-Value Delay Threshold' [VQMonEOCRValTHR] |
Defines the voice quality monitoring - end of call low quality alert threshold. The default is -1 (i.e., no alerts are issued). |
'Tx RTCP Packets Interval' configure voip > media rtp-rtcp > rtcp-interval [RTCPInterval] |
Defines the time interval (in msec) between adjacent RTCP XR reports. This interval starts from call establishment. Thus, the device can send RTCP XR reports during the call, in addition to at the end of the call. If the duration of the call is shorter than this interval, RTCP XR is sent only at the end of the call. The valid value range is 0 to 65,535. The default is 5,000. |
'Disable RTCP XR Interval Randomization' configure voip > media rtp-rtcp > disable-RTCP-randomization [DisableRTCPRandomize] |
Determines whether RTCP report intervals are randomized or whether each report interval accords exactly to the parameter RTCPInterval.
'Publication IP Group ID' publication-ip-group-id [PublicationIPGroupID] |
Defines the IP Group to where the device sends RTCP XR reports. By default, no value is defined. |
'SBC RTCP XR Report Mode' configure voip > sip-definition settings > sbc-rtcpxr-report-mode [SBCRtcpXrReportMode] |
Enables the sending of RTCP XR reports of QoE metrics at the end of each call session (i.e., after a SIP BYE). The RTCP XR is sent in the SIP PUBLISH message.