CDR Field Description

This section describes the CDR fields that can be generated by the device. Some are generated by default, while others are generated only if you customize the CDR to include them, as described in Customizing CDRs for Gateway Calls and Customizing CDRs for SBC Calls.

For SBC calls, the device generates a signaling CDR and a media CDR:
Media CDR: This CDR is published per active media stream. Each media CDR has a unique call ID that corresponds to its signaling CDR. There are three different CDR Report Types (CDRReportType), which the device sends to the CDR server at different stages of the SIP dialog session:
"MEDIA_START": This CDR is sent upon an INVITE message.
"MEDIA_UPDATE": This CDR is sent upon a re-INVITE message (e.g., the established call is placed on hold by one of the call parties).
"MEDIA_END": This CDR is sent upon a BYE message (i.e., call ends).

The CDR Report Types for SBC media and the SIP dialog stages at which they are sent are shown in the following figure:

CDR Report Types for SBC Media

Signaling CDR: This CDR contains SIP signaling information. A typical SBC session consists of two SBC legs. Each leg generates its own signaling CDRs. Each leg generates three different CDR Report Types (CDRReportType), which the device sends to the CDR server at different stages of the SIP dialog:
"CALL_START": This CDR is sent upon an INVITE message.
"CALL_CONNECT": This CDR is sent upon an ACK message (i.e., call is established).
"CALL_END": This CDR is sent upon a BYE message (i.e., call ends).

The CDR Report Types for SBC signaling and the SIP dialog stages at which they are sent are shown in the following figure:

CDR Report Types for SBC Signaling

You can customize the signaling CDR that is sent at the end of the SBC call ("CALL_END") to also include media-related CDR fields. This is applicable only to syslog CDRs, local storage CDRs, and RADIUS CDRs. For customizing SBC CDRs, see Customizing CDRs for SBC Calls. When there is more than one media stream in the SBC session, the added media-related fields only represent the first audio media.

CDRs belonging to the same SBC session (both incoming and outgoing legs) have the same Session ID (SessionId CDR field). CDRs belonging to the same SBC leg have the same Leg ID (LegId CDR field).

For billing applications, the CDR that the device sends at the end of the call ("CALL_END" CDR Report Type) is usually sufficient. This CDR may be based on the following CDR fields:

Leg ID
Source URI
Destination URI
Call originator (i.e., caller)
Call duration
Call time
For Gateway calls, the CDR includes both media and signaling CDR fields. The CDR can be one of the following report types (CDRReportType field), depending at which stage of the SIP dialog it was sent:
"CALL_START": This CDR is sent upon an INVITE message.
"CALL_CONNECT": This CDR is sent upon a 200 OK response (i.e., call is established).
"CALL_END": This CDR is sent upon a BYE message (i.e., call ends).

The CDR Report Types and the SIP dialog stages at which they are sent are shown in the following figure:

CDR Report Types for Gateway Calls

The syslog displays CDRs in tabular format, whereby the CDR field names (titles) are displayed on the first lines and their corresponding values on the subsequent lines. Below shows an example of an SBC signaling CDR sent at the end of a normally terminated call:

[S=40] |CDRReportType |EPTyp |SIPCallId |SessionId |Orig |SourceIp |SourcePort |DestIp |DestPort |TransportType |SrcURI |SrcURIBeforeMap |DstURI |DstURIBeforeMap |Durat |TrmSd |TrmReason |TrmReasonCategory |SetupTime |ConnectTime |ReleaseTime |RedirectReason |RedirectURINum |RedirectURINumBeforeMap |TxSigIPDiffServ|IPGroup (description) |SrdId (name) |SIPInterfaceId (name) |ProxySetId (name) |IpProfileId (name) |MediaRealmId (name) |DirectMedia |SIPTrmReason |SIPTermDesc |Caller |Callee 
[S=40] |CALL_END |SBC |20767593291410201017029@ |1871197419|LCL | |5060 | |5060 |UDP |9001@ |9001@ |6001@ |6001@ |15 |LCL |GWAPP_NORMAL_CALL_CLEAR |NORMAL_CALL_CLEAR |17:00:29.954  UTC Thu Oct 14 2014 |17:00:49.052  UTC Thu Oct 14 2014 |17:01:04.953  UTC Thu Oct 14 2014 |-1 | | |40 |1 |0 (SRD_GW) |1 |1 |1 () |0 (MR_1) |no |BYE |Q.850 ;cause=16 ;text="loc |user 9928019 |

If all CDR field values are within a specific number of characters, they appear aligned under their corresponding field names. However, if some of the values exceed their specific number of characters for syslog tabular alignment, the values do not appear fully aligned with their corresponding field names. If you customize the title of a CDR field and it contains more characters than the default title, the maximum number of characters to ensure syslog tabular alignment will be updated accordingly to fit the customized title. For example, if you customize the default CDR field title "Duration" (8 characters) to "Duration in Sec" (15 characters), the tabular alignment of field names to corresponding values will be updated to 15 as well. The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment when CDR field titles are not customized are given in the table below.

CDR Field Descriptions



Accounting Status Type


Displays the CDR Report Type in numeric representation (integer), used mainly for the RADIUS Accounting Status Type attribute (40):

"1" = “Accounting Start” for "CALL_START" or "CALL_CONNECT"
"2" = “Accounting Stop” for "CALL_END"


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable to SBC media and signaling, and Gateway CDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 5.

Alerting Time


Displays the duration (in milliseconds) between ringing (SIP 180 Ringing) and call answered (SIP 200 OK) or unanswered (CANCEL).


The field is optional. You can include it in the CDR by CDR customization using the SBC CDR Format table and Gateway CDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling, and Gateway CDRs ("CALL_CONNECT" and "CALL_END" Report Types).
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 5.

AMD Decision Probability


Displays the success (in percentage) that the answering type (probability) was correctly detected for the Answering Machine Detection (AMD) feature.


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC media CDRs ("MEDIA_END" CDR Report Type) and Gateway CDRs ("CALL_END" CDR Report Type).
The default field title is "%" for syslog.
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 3.

AMD Decision


Displays the detected answering type for the AMD feature:

"V": voice
"A": answer machine
"S": silence
"U": unknown


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC media CDRs ("MEDIA_END" CDR Report Type) and Gateway CDRs ("CALL_END" CDR Report Type).
The default field title is "AMD" for syslog.
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 3.

AOC Amount


Displays the total amount charged for the call for the Advice of Charge (AOC) feature. The field is an integer from 0 to 999999.

Data is stored per call and sent in the syslog as follows:

currency-type: amount multiplier for currency charge (euro or usd)
recorded-units: for unit charge (1-999999)


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to Gateway CDRs ("CALL_END" CDR Report Type).
The default field title is "Amount" for syslog.
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 9.

AOC Currency


Displays the currency of the AOC (e.g., "EUR").


The field is optional. You can include it in the CDR by CDR customization using the Gateway CDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to Gateway CDRs ("CALL_END" CDR Report Type).
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 3.

AOC Multiplier


Displays the AOC multiplier information. The field is an integer from 0,001 to 1000 (in steps of 10).


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to Gateway CDRs ("CALL_END" CDR Report Type).
The default field title is "Mult" for syslog.
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 5.



Displays the B-channel.


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to Gateway CDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "BChan" for syslog.
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 5.



Displays an empty string value "   " and 0 for an integer value. This is typically used for RADIUS CDRs.


The field is optional. You can include it in the CDR by CDR customization using the SBC CDR Format table and Gateway CDR Format table.
The field is applicable to all CDR Report Types.
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 5.

Call Duration


Displays the duration of the call. The field is an integer.


To configure the units of measurement (seconds - default, deciseconds, centiseconds, or milliseconds), use the [CallDurationUnits] parameter.
By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling and GatewayCDRs ("CALL_END" CDR Report Type).
The default field title is "Duration" for syslog and Local Storage, and none for RADIUS (ACCT_SESSION_TIME standard ID 46).
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 8.

Call End Sequence Number


Displays the sequence number of the call. The field is an integer. For each call-end CDR, the field is assigned the next consecutive number. For example, for the first terminated call processed by the device, the field is assigned the value "1"; for the second terminated call, the field is assigned the value "2", and so on. The field value resets to 1 upon a device restart, an HA switchover (for HA-supporting products), or when it reaches the value FFFFFFFF (hexadecimal).

As the field is consecutive, you can use this field to check whether there are any missing CDRs.


The field is optional. You can include it in the CDR by CDR customization using the SBC CDR Format table and Gateway CDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling and GatewayCDRs ("CALL_END" CDR Report Type).
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 10.

Call ID


Displays the unique ID of the call, which appears in the SIP Call-ID header. The field is a string of up to 130 characters.


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable to SBC media and signaling, and Gateway CDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "SIPCallId" for syslog and Local Storage, and "call-id=" for RADIUS.
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 50.

Call Orig RADIUS


Displays the originator of the call:

"answer": Call originated from the IP side (Gateway) or incoming leg (SBC)
"originate": Call originated from the Tel side (Gateway) or outgoing leg (SBC)


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable to CDR Report Types "Start Acc" and "Stop Acc".
The field is applicable to all types, but mainly to RADIUS (SBC and GatewayCDRs).
The default field title is "h323-call-origin=" for RADIUS.
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 10.

Call Orig


Displays which side originated the call for the specific leg.

"LCL": SBC Outgoing leg (called party side) or Tel side
"RMT": SBC Incoming leg (i.e., caller party side) or IP side


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling and GatewayCDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "Orig" for syslog and "Direction" in the Web SBC CDR History table and Web Gateway CDR History table.
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 5.

Callee Display ID


Displays the name of the called party. The field is a string of up to 36 characters.


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling and GatewayCDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "Callee" in the sent CDR.
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 37.

Caller Display ID


Displays the name of the caller (caller ID). The field is a string of up to 50 characters.


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling and GatewayCDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "Caller" in the CDR.
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 51.

CDR Type


Displays the application type of the CDR. The field is an integer:

"2": Gateway CDR
"3": SBC signaling CDR
"4": SBC media CDR


The field is optional. You can include it in the CDR by CDR customization using the SBC CDR Format table and Gateway CDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to SBC media and signaling, and Gateway CDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 6.

Channel ID


Displays the port (channel) ID.


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC media CDRs ("MEDIA_START" and "MEDIA_END" CDR Report Types) and Gateway CDRs ("CALL_START", "CALL_CONNECT" and "CALL_END" CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "Cid" in the CDR.
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 5.

Coder Type


Displays the coder used for the call. The field is a string, for example, "g711Alaw64k", "g711Ulaw64k" and "g729".


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC media CDRs ("MEDIA_START" and "MEDIA_END" CDR Report Types) and Gateway CDRs ("CALL_CONNECT" and "CALL_END" CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "Coder" in the CDR.
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 15.

Conn ID


Displays the Digital Connection ID.


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to Gateway CDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "ConId" in the CDR.
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 5.

Connect Time


Displays the date and time that the call was connected. The field is a string of up to 35 characters and in the following format: <hh:mm:ss:ms>  UTC <DDD> <MMM> <DD> <YYYY>. For example, "17:00:49.053  UTC Thu Dec 14 2017"


To configure the time zone string (e.g., "UTC" - default, "GMT+1" and "EST"), use the TimeZoneFormat parameter.
By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling and Gateway CDRs ("CALL_CONNECT" and "CALL_END" CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "ConnectTime" for syslog and Local Storage, and "h323-connect-time=" for RADIUS.
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 35.

Dest Port


Displays the SIP signaling destination UDP port. The field is an integer of up to 10 digits.


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling and GatewayCDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "SigDestPort" for Gateway syslog and Local Storage, and "DestPort" for SBC syslog and Local Storage.
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 11.

Destination Host Before Manipulation


Displays the original destination hostname (before manipulation, if any).


The field is optional. You can include it in the CDR by CDR customization using the SBC CDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling CDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 20.

Destination Host Name Before Manipulation


Displays the original destination hostname (before manipulation, if any).


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to Gateway CDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "DstHostBeforeMap".
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 20.

Destination Host Name


Displays the destination hostname (after manipulation, if any).


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to Gateway CDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "DstHost".
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 20.

Destination Host


Displays the destination hostname (after manipulation, if any).


The field is optional. You can include it in the CDR by CDR customization using the SBC CDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to SBC CDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 20.

Destination IP


Displays the destination IP address. The field is a string of up to 20 characters.


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling and GatewayCDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "DestIp".
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 20.

Destination Number Before Manipulation


Displays the original destination number (before manipulation, if any).


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to Gateway CDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "DstNumBeforeMap".
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 20.

Destination Number Plan


Displays the destination Numbering Plan Identification (NPI).


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to Gateway CDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "NPI".
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 5.

Destination Number Type


Displays the destination Type of Number (TON).


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to Gateway CDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "TON".
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 5.

Destination Number


Displays the destination phone number.


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to Gateway CDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "DstPhoneNum" for syslog, "" (empty string) for RADIUS (CALLED_STATION_ID standard ID 31), and "Callee" in the Web Gateway CDR History table.
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 20.

Destination Tags


Displays destination tags.


The field is optional. You can include it in the CDR by CDR customization using the SBC CDR Format table and Gateway CDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling and GatewayCDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 32.

Destination URI Before Manipulation


Displays the original destination URI (username@host) before manipulation, if any. The field is a string of up to 150 characters.


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling CDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "DstURIBeforeMap".
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 41.

Destination URI


Displays the destination URI (username@host) after manipulation, if any. The field is a string of up to 150 characters.


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling CDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "DstURI".
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 41.

Destination Username Before Manipulation


Displays the original destination username (before manipulation, if any).


The field is optional. You can include it in the CDR by CDR customization using the SBC CDR Format tables.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling CDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 20.

Destination Username


Displays the destination username (after manipulation, if any).


The field is optional. You can include it in the CDR by CDR customization using the SBC CDR Format tables.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling CDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 20.

Direct Media


Displays whether the call session flowed directly between the endpoints (i.e., Direct Media). The field is a string:

"yes": The call is a direct media call session.
"no": The call traversed the device.


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling CDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "DirectMedia".
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 11.

Endpoint Type


Displays the endpoint type. The field is a string:

"TRANSPARNT" (E1/T1 calls without D-channel / signaling)
"SBC" (SBC calls)
"TEST" (for Test Call calls)
"3WCONF" (three-way conferencing calls)
"MOH" (Music-on-Hold calls)


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling and Gateway CDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "EPTyp".
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 10.

Fax On Call


Displays whether a fax transaction was detected during the call. The field is an integer:

"0": No
"1": Yes


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to Gateway CDRs ("CALL_END" CDR Report Type).
The default field title is "Fax".
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 5.

Global Session ID


Displays the global session ID.


The field is optional. You can include it in the CDR by CDR customization using the SBC CDR Format table and Gateway CDR Format table.
The field is applicable to SBC signaling and media, and Gateway CDRs.
The default field title is "h323-gw-id=" for RADIUS (A_ACCT_SESSION_TIME).
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 16.
For more information on the global session ID, see Enabling Same Call Session ID over Multiple Devices.

H323 ID


Displays the device ID which can configured by the H323IDString parameter. It is typically used for RADIUS CDRs. The field is a string.


The field is included in the default RADIUS CDR.
The field is applicable only to RADIUS SBC and GatewayCDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "h323-gw-id for RADIUS.
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 33.

IP Group ID


Displays the IP Group ID. The field is an integer.


The field is optional. You can include it in the CDR by CDR customization using the SBC CDR Format table and Gateway CDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling and GatewayCDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 5.

IP Group Name


Displays the IP Group name. The field is a string of up to 40 characters.


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling and GatewayCDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "IPG (name)" for Gateway syslog and Local Storage, "IPGroup (name)" for SBC syslog and Local Storage, and "IP Group" in the Web SBC CDR History table.
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 32.

IP Profile ID


Displays the IP Profile ID. The field is an integer.


The field is optional. You can include it in the CDR by CDR customization using the SBC CDR Format table and Gateway CDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling and GatewayCDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 5.

IP Profile Name


Displays the IP Profile name. The field is a string of up to 40 characters.


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling and GatewayCDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "IpProfileId (name)".
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 32.

Is Recorded


Displays if the SBC leg was recorded (SIPREC) or not.

The field is a string:



The field is optional. You can include it in the CDR by CDR customization using the SBC CDR Format tables.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling CDRs ("CALL_END" CDR Report Type; other Report Types will display "no").
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 5.

ISDN Line Type


Displays the ISDN line type. The field is an integer:

"10": E1
"11": T1
"12": BRI
"21": Unknown


The field is optional. You can include it in the CDR by CDR customization using the Gateway CDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to Gateway CDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 5.

Latched RTP IP


Displays the remote IP address of the incoming RTP stream that the device "latched" onto as a result of the RTP latching mechanism for NAT traversal.


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC media CDRs ("MEDIA_END" CDR Report Type) and Gateway CDRs ("CALL_END" CDR Report Type).
The default field title is "LatchedRtpIp".
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 20.

Latched RTP Port


Displays the remote RTP port of the incoming RTP stream that the device "latched" onto as a result of the RTP latching mechanism for NAT traversal. The field is an integer 0 to 0xFFFF.


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC media CDRs ("MEDIA_END" CDR Report Type) and Gateway CDRs ("CALL_END" CDR Report Type).
The default field title is "LatchedRtpPort".
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 15.

Latched T38 IP


Displays the latching of a new T.38 stream (new IP address).


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC media CDRs ("MEDIA_END" CDR Report Type) and Gateway CDRs ("CALL_END" CDR Report Type).
The default field title is "LatchedT38Ip".
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 20.

Latched T38 Port


Displays the latching of a new T.38 stream (new port). The field is an integer 0 to 0xFFFF.


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC CDRs ("MEDIA_END" CDR Report Type) and Gateway CDRs ("CALL_END" CDR Report Type).
The default field title is "LatchedT38Port".
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 15.

Leg ID


Displays the unique ID of the call leg within a specific call session. The field is an integer.

A basic SBC call consists of two legs (incoming and outgoing) and thus, two leg IDs are generated for the session, one for each leg.

A basic Gateway call consists of only one leg ID.

For each new call, the device assigns leg ID "1" to the first leg. The device then increments the leg ID for subsequent legs according to the leg sequence in the call session.

For example, the device generates leg ID "1" for the SBC incoming leg and leg ID "2" for the SBC outgoing leg. If the call is transferred, the device generates leg ID "3" for the leg belonging to the call transfer target. Another example is a call forking session where the leg ID sequence may be as follows: incoming leg is "1", outgoing leg to user's office phone is "2" and outgoing leg to the user's mobile phone is "3". If the call is then transferred, the leg ID for the transfer leg is "4".


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling and media, and Gateway CDRs ("CALL_START", "CALL_CONNECT" and "CALL_END" CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "LegId".
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 5.

Local Input Octets


Displays the local input octets (bytes).


The field is optional. You can include it in the CDR by CDR customization using the SBC CDR Format table and Gateway CDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to SBC media CDRs ("MEDIA_END" CDR Report Type) and Gateway CDRs ("CALL_END" CDR Report Type).
The default field title is empty for RADIUS (ACCT_INPUT_OCTETS standard ID 42).
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 10.

Local Input Packets


Displays the number of packets received by the device. The field is an integer from 0 to 0XFFFFFFFF.


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC media CDRs ("MEDIA_END" CDR Report Type) and Gateway CDRs ("CALL_END" CDR Report Type).
The default field title is "InPackets" for syslog and Local Storage, and empty for RADIUS (ACCT_INPUT_PACKETS).
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 10.

Local Jitter


Displays the RTP jitter. The field is an integer from 0 to 40000 samples (-1 if unavailable).


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC media CDRs ("MEDIA_END" CDR Report Type) and Gateway CDRs ("CALL_END" CDR Report Type).
The default field title is "RTPjitter".
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 9.

Local MOS CQ


Displays the local MOS for conversation quality. The field is an integer from 10 to 46 (127 if information is unavailable).


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC media CDRs ("MEDIA_END" CDR Report Type) and Gateway CDRs ("CALL_END" CDR Report Type).
The default field title is "LocalMosCQ".
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 10.

Local Output Octets


Displays the local output octets (bytes).


The field is optional. You can include it in the CDR by CDR customization using the SBC CDR Format table and Gateway CDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to SBC media CDRs ("MEDIA_END" CDR Report Type) and Gateway CDRs ("CALL_END" CDR Report Type).
The default field title is empty for RADIUS (ACCT_OUTPUT_ OCTETS standard ID 43).
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 10.

Local Output Packets


Displays the number of packets sent by the device. The field is an integer from 0 to 0XFFFFFFFF.


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC media CDRs ("MEDIA_END" CDR Report Type) and Gateway CDRs ("CALL_END" CDR Report Type).
The default field title is "OutPackets" for syslog and Local Storage, and empty for RADIUS (ACCT_OUTPUT_PACKETS standard ID 48).
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 10.

Local Packet Loss


Displays the number of packets lost of the entire stream. The field is an integer from 0 to 0xFFFFFFFF (-1 if information is unavailable).


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC media CDRs ("MEDIA_END" CDR Report Type) and Gateway CDRs ("CALL_END" CDR Report Type).
The default field title is "PackLoss" for Gateway syslog and Local Storage, and "LocalPackLoss" for SBC syslog.
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 10.

Local R Factor


Displays the local R-factor conversation quality. The field is an integer from 0 to 120 (127 if information is unavailable).


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC media CDRs ("MEDIA_END" CDR Report Type) and Gateway CDRs ("CALL_END" CDR Report Type).
The default field title is "LocalRFactor".
If the RTCP XR feature is unavailable (not licensed or disabled), this R-factor VoIP metric is not provided. Instead, the device sends the CDR field with the value 127, meaning that information is unavailable.
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 12.

Local Round Trip Delay


Displays the average round-trip delay time of the entire RTP stream. The field is an integer from 0 to 10000 ms (-1 if information is unavailable).


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC media CDRs ("MEDIA_END" CDR Report Type) and Gateway CDRs ("CALL_END" CDR Report Type).
The default field title is "RTPdelay".
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 9.

Local RTP IP


Displays the local RTP IP address.


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC media CDRs ("MEDIA_START" and "MEDIA_END" CDR Report Types) and Gateway CDRs ("CALL_CONNECT" and "CALL_END" CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "LocalRtpIp".
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 20.

Local RTP Port


Displays the local RTP port. This field is an integer from 0 to 0xFFFF.


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC media CDRs ("MEDIA_START" and "MEDIA_END" CDR Report Types) and Gateway CDRs ("CALL_CONNECT" and "CALL_END" CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "LocalRtpPort".
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 15.

Local SSRC Sender


Displays the local RTP synchronization source (SSRC). The field is an integer from 0 to 0XFFFFFFFF.


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC media CDRs ("MEDIA_END" CDR Report Type) and Gateway CDRs ("CALL_END" CDR Report Type).
The default field title is "RTPssrc" for Gateway syslog  and Local Storage, and "TxRTPssrc" for SBC syslog.
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 14.

Media List [819]

Displays all the media types (e.g., "audio", "text", "msrp", and "video") that was used for the call session. The field is a string.


The field is optional. You can include it in the CDR by CDR customization using the SBC CDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling CDRs ("CALL_END" CDR Report Type).
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 40.

Media Realm ID


Displays the Media Realm ID. The field is an integer.


The field is optional. You can include it in the CDR by CDR customization using the SBC CDR Format table and Gateway CDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling and GatewayCDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 5.

Media Realm Name


Displays the Media Realm name. The field is a string of up to 40 characters.


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling and GatewayCDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "MediaRealmId (name)".
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 32.

Media Type


Displays the media type (e.g., "audio", "text", or "video").


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC media and GatewayCDRs ("CALL_END" and "MEDIA_END" CDR Report Type).
The default field title is "MediaType".
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 10.

Metering Pulses Generated


Displays the number of generated metering pulses.


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to Gateway CDRs ("CALL_END" CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "MeteringPulses".
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 20.

Module And Port


Displays the module and port used.


The field is optional. You can include it in the CDR by CDR customization using the Gateway CDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to Gateway CDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "End Point" in the Web Gateway CDR History table.
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 15.

Packet Interval


Displays the coder packet interval. The field is an integer from 10 to 200 ms.


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC media CDRS ("MEDIA_START", "MEDIA_UPDATE" and "MEDIA_END" CDR Report Types) and Gateway CDRs ("CALL_CONNECT" and "CALL_END" CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "Intrv".
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 5.

Payload Type


Displays the RTP payload type. The field is an integer, for example:

"0" for G.711 U-law
"8" for G.711 A-law
"18" for G.729


The field is optional. You can include it in the CDR by CDR customization using the SBC CDR Format table and Gateway CDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to SBC media CDRS ("MEDIA_START", "MEDIA_UPDATE" and "MEDIA_END" CDR Report Types) and Gateway CDRs ("CALL_CONNECT" and "CALL_END" CDR Report Types).
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 5.

Proxy Set ID


Displays the Proxy Set ID.


The field is optional. You can include it in the CDR by CDR customization using the SBC CDR Format table and Gateway CDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling and GatewayCDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 10.

Proxy Set Name


Displays the Proxy Set name. The field is a string of up to 40 characters.


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling and GatewayCDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "ProxySetId (name)".
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 32.

PSTN Termination Reason


Displays the Q.850 protocol termination reason. The field is an integer from 0 to 127.


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to Gateway CDRs ("CALL_END" CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "PstnTermReason".
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 14.



Displays the RADIUS call ID.


The field is optional. You can include it in the CDR by CDR customization using the SBC CDR Format table and Gateway CDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to SBC and GatewayRADIUS CDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "h323-conf-id=" in RADIUS CDRs.
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 50.

Redirect Number Before Manipulation


Displays the redirect phone number before manipulation, if any.


The field is optional. You can include it in the CDR by CDR customization using the Gateway CDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to Gateway CDRs ("CALL_END" CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "RedirectNumBeforeMap'.
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 20.

Redirect Number Plan


Displays the redirect Numbering Plan Identification (NPI).


The field is optional. You can include it in the CDR by CDR customization using the Gateway CDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to Gateway CDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 5.

Redirect Number Type


Displays the redirect Type of Number (TON).


The field is optional. You can include it in the CDR by CDR customization using the Gateway CDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to Gateway CDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 5.

Redirect Number


Displays the original redirect number (before manipulation, if any).


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to Gateway CDRs ("CALL_END" CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "RedirectPhonNum".
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 20.

Redirect Reason


Displays the reason for the call redirection. The field is an integer of up to 15 digits:

"-1": Not relevant
"0": Unknown reason
"1": Call forward busy (CFB)
"2": Call forward no reply (CFNR)
"3": Call forward network busy
"4": Call deflection
"5": Immediate call deflection
"6": Mobile subscriber not reachable
"9": DTE out of order
"10": Call forwarding DTE
"13": Call transfer
"14": Call pickup
"15": Call systematic or call forward unconditional (CFU)


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling and GatewayCDRs ("CALL_END" CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "RedirectReason".
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 15.

Redirect URI Before Manipulation


Displays the original call redirect URI (username@host) before manipulation, if any. The field is a string of up to 150 characters.


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling CDRs ("CALL_END" CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "RedirectURINumBeforeMap".
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 41.

Redirect URI


Displays the original call redirect URI (username@host) after manipulation, if any. The field value is a string of up to 150 characters.


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling CDRs ("CALL_END" CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "RedirectURINum".
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 41.

Release Time


Displays the date and time the call ended (disconnected). The field is a string of up to 35 characters and presented in the following format: <hh:mm:ss:ms>  UTC <DDD> <MMM> <DD> <YYYY>. For example, "17:00:55.002  UTC Thu Dec 14 2017".


To configure the time zone string (e.g., "UTC" - default, "GMT+1" and "EST"), use the TimeZoneFormat parameter.
By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling and GatewayCDRs ("CALL_END" CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "ReleaseTime" for syslog, "h323-disconnect-time=" for RADIUS, and "Call End Time" in the Web SBC CDR History table and Web Gateway CDR History table.
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 35.

Remote Input Octets


Displays the remote input octets (bytes).


The field is optional. You can include it in the CDR by CDR customization using the SBC CDR Format table and Gateway CDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to SBC media CDRs ("MEDIA_END" CDR Report Type) and Gateway CDRs ("CALL_END" CDR Report Type).
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 10.

Remote Input Packets


Displays the number of packets that the remote side reported it received. The field is an integer from 0 to 0XFFFFFFFF.


The field is optional. You can include it in the CDR by CDR customization using the SBC CDR Format table and Gateway CDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to SBC media CDRs ("MEDIA_END" CDR Report Type) and Gateway CDRs ("CALL_END" CDR Report Type).
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 10.

Remote IP


Displays the remote SIP IP address.


The field is optional. You can include it in the CDR by CDR customization using the SBC CDR Format table and Gateway CDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling and GatewayCDRs ("CALL_START", "CALL_CONNECT", and "CALL_END" CDR Report Types).
The field is applicable to syslog, RADIUS, Local Storage, and Web History CDRs.
The default CDR title is "Remote IP" in the Web SBC CDR History table and Web Gateway CDR History table.
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 20.

Remote Jitter


Displays the remote RTP jitter. The field is an integer from 0 to 40000 samples (-1 if unavailable).


The field is optional. You can include it in the CDR by CDR customization using the SBC CDR Format table and Gateway CDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to SBC media CDRs ("MEDIA_END" CDR Report Type) and Gateway CDRs ("CALL_END" CDR Report Type).
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 9.

Remote MOS CQ


Displays the remote MOS for conversation quality. The field is an integer from 10 to 46 (127 if information is unavailable).


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC media CDRs ("MEDIA_END" CDR Report Type) and Gateway CDRs ("CALL_END" CDR Report Type).
The default field title is "RemoteMosCQ".
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 11.

Remote Output Octets


Displays the remote output octets (bytes).


The field is optional. You can include it in the CDR by CDR customization using the SBC CDR Format table and Gateway CDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to SBC media CDRs ("MEDIA_END" CDR Report Type) and Gateway CDRs ("CALL_END" CDR Report Type).
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 10.

Remote Output Packets


Displays the number of packets received by the device. The field is an integer from 0 to 0XFFFFFFFF.


The field is optional. You can include it in the CDR by CDR customization using the SBC CDR Format table and Gateway CDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to SBC media CDRs ("MEDIA_END" CDR Report Type) and Gateway CDRs ("CALL_END" CDR Report Type).
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 10.

Remote Packet Loss


Displays the number of packets lost of the entire remote stream. The field is an integer from 0 to 0xFFFFFFFF (-1 if information is unavailable).


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC media CDRs ("MEDIA_END" CDR Report Type) and Gateway CDRs ("CALL_END" CDR Report Type).
The default field title is "RemotePackLoss".
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 14.

Remote Port


Displays the remote SIP port. This field is an integer from 0 to 0xFFFF.


The field is optional. You can include it in the CDR by CDR customization using the SBC CDR Format table and Gateway CDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling and GatewayCDRs ("CALL_START", "CALL_CONNECT", and "CALL_END" CDR Report Types).
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 5.

Remote R Factor


Displays the remote R-factor conversation quality. The field is an integer from 0 to 120 (127 if information is unavailable).


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC media CDRs ("MEDIA_END" CDR Report Type) and Gateway CDRs ("CALL_END" CDR Report Type).
The default field title is "RemoteRFactor".
If the RTCP XR feature is unavailable (not licensed or disabled), this R-factor VoIP metric is not provided. Instead, the device sends the CDR field with the value 127, meaning that information is unavailable.
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 13.

Remote Round Trip Delay


Displays the average round-trip delay time of the remote RTP stream. The field is an integer from 0 to 10000 ms (-1 if information is unavailable).


The field is optional. You can include it in the CDR by CDR customization using the SBC CDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to SBC media CDRs ("MEDIA_END" CDR Report Type) and Gateway CDRs ("CALL_END" CDR Report Type).
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 9.

Remote RTP IP


Displays the remote RTP IP address.


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC media CDRs ("MEDIA_START", "MEDIA_UPDATE" and "MEDIA_END" CDR Report Types) and Gateway CDRs ("CALL CONNECT" and "CALL_END" CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "RtpIp" for syslog Signaling and Local Storage, "RemoteRtpIp" for syslog Media, and "h323-remote-address=" for RADIUS.
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 20.

Remote RTP Port


Displays the remote RTP port. This field is an integer from 0 to 0xFFFF.


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC media CDRs ("MEDIA_START", "MEDIA_UPDATE" and "MEDIA_END" CDR Report Types) and Gateway CDRs ("CALL CONNECT" and "CALL_END" CDR Report Types).
The default field title is ""Port" for syslog Signaling and "RemoteRtpPort" for syslog Media.
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 5.

Remote SIP User Agent


Displays the remote SIP User-Agent header value.


The field is optional. You can include it in the CDR by CDR customization using the SBC CDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling ("CALL_START", "CALL_CONNECT" and "CALL_END" CDR Report Types).
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 41.

Remote SSRC Sender


Displays the remote (sender) RTP synchronization source (SSRC). The field is an integer from 0 to 0XFFFFFFFF.


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC media CDRs ("MEDIA_END" CDR Report Type) and Gateway CDRs ("CALL_END" CDR Report Type).
The default field title is "RemoteRTPssrc" for Gateway syslog and "RxRTPssrc" for SBC syslog Media.
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 14.

Report Type


Displays the type of CDR report. The field is a string:

"CALL_START": The CDR is sent upon an INVITE message.
"CALL_CONNECT": The CDR is sent upon a 200 OK response.
"CALL_END": The CDR is sent upon a BYE message.
"DIALOG_START": The CDR is sent upon the start of a non-INVITE session (only when enabled, using the EnableNonCallCdr parameter).
"DIALOG_END": The CDR is sent upon the end of a non-INVITE session (only when enabled, using the EnableNonCallCdr parameter).
"DIALOG_CONNECT ": The CDR is sent upon establishment of a non-INVITE session (only when enabled, using the EnableNonCallCdr parameter).
"MEDIA_START": The CDR is sent upon 200 OK response or early media
"MEDIA_UPDATE": The CDR is sent upon a re-INVITE message
"MEDIA_END": The CDR sent is upon a BYE message


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable to SBC media and signaling, and Gateway CDRs.
The default field title is "GWReportType" for Gateway syslog and Local Storage, "SBCReportType" for SBC syslog and Local Storage, and "MediaReportType" for SBC syslog Media.
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 15.

RTP IP DiffServ


The field displays the RTP IP DiffServ. The valid value is an integer from 0 to 63.


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC media CDRs ("MEDIA_START", "MEDIA_UPDATE" and "MEDIA_END" CDR Report Types) and Gateway CDRs ("CALL CONNECT" and "CALL_END" CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "TxRTPIPDiffServ".
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 15.

Session ID


Displays the unique session ID. The field value is a string of up to 24 characters.


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable to SBC media and signaling, and Gateway CDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "SessionId".
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 24.

Setup Time


Displays the date and time that the call was setup. The field value is a string of up to 35 characters and presented in the following format:

<hh:mm:ss:ms>  UTC <DDD> <MMM> <DD> <YYYY>. For example, "17:00:49.052  UTC Thu Dec 14 2017"


To configure the time zone string (e.g., "UTC" - default, "GMT+1", and "EST"), use the TimeZoneFormat parameter.
By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling and GatewayCDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "SetupTime"" for syslog and Local Storage, and "h323-setup-time=" for RADIUS.
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 35.

Signaling IP DiffServ


Displays the signaling IP DiffServ. The field value is an integer of up to 15 digits.


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling and GatewayCDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "TxSigIPDiffServ".
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 15.

SIP Interface ID


Displays the SIP Interface table row index (integer).


The field is optional. You can include it in the CDR by CDR customization using the SBC CDR Format table and Gateway CDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling and GatewayCDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 5.

SIP Interface Name


Displays the SIP Interface name. The field value is a string of up to 40 characters.


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling and GatewayCDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "SIPInterfaceId (name)".
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 32.

SIP Local Tag


Displays the 'tag' parameter of the SIP From / To headers that is generated by the device in the outgoing SIP message. The field value is a string of up to 100 characters.


The field is optional. You can include it in the CDR by CDR customization using the SBC CDR Format table and Gateway CDR Format table.
The field is applicable to all CDR Report Types, but it may not be added to some Report Types in all call scenarios.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling and GatewayCDRs.
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 20.

SIP Method


Displays the SIP message type (method). The field value is a string of up to 10 characters:



By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling CDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "SIPMethod".
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 10.

SIP Remote Tag


Displays the 'tag' parameter of the SIP From / To headers that is received by the device in the incoming SIP message. The field value is a string of up to 100 characters.


The field is optional. You can include it in the CDR by CDR customization using the SBC CDR Format table and Gateway CDR Format table.
The field is applicable to all CDR Report Types, but it may not be added to some Report Types in all call scenarios.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling and GatewayCDRs.
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 20.

SIP Termination Description


Displays the description of the SIP call termination reason. The field value is a string of up to 70 characters and is set to one of the following:

SIP Reason header, if exists, for example: SIP ;cause=200 ;text="Call completed elsewhere".
If no SIP Reason header exists, the description is taken from the reason text, if exists, of the SIP response code, for example: "417 Unknown Resource-Priority".
If no reason text exists in the SIP response code, the description is taken from an internal SIP response mapping mechanism. For example, if the device receives a SIP response "422", it sends in the CDR "422 Session Interval Too Small method" as the description.


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling and GatewayCDRs ("CALL_END" CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "SipTermDesc".
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 26.

SIP Termination Reason


Displays the SIP reason for call termination. The field value is a string of up to 12 characters and is set to one of the following:

SIP error codes (e.g., "404")


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling and GatewayCDRs ("CALL_END" CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "SIPTrmReason".
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 12.

Source Host Before Manipulation


Displays the original source hostname (before manipulation, if any).


The field is optional. You can include it in the CDR by CDR customization using the SBC CDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling CDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 20.

Source Host Name Before Manipulation


Displays the original source hostname (before manipulation, if any).


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to Gateway CDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "SrcHostBeforeMap".
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 20.

Source Host Name


Displays the source hostname (after manipulation, if any).


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to Gateway CDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "SrcHost".
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 20.

Source Host


Displays the source hostname (after manipulation, if any).


The field is optional. You can include it in the CDR by CDR customization using the SBC CDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling CDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 20.

Source IP


Displays the source IP address. The field value is a string of up to 20 characters.


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling and GatewayCDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "SourceIp".
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 20.

Source Number Before Manipulation


Displays the source number (before manipulation, if any).


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to Gateway CDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "SrcNumBeforeMap" for syslog, and "Caller" for Web CDR History.
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 20.

Source Number Plan


Displays the source Numbering Plan Identification (NPI).


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to Gateway CDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "NPI".
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 5.

Source Number Type


Displays the source Type of Number (TON).


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to Gateway CDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "TON".
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 5.

Source Number


Displays the source number (after manipulation).


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to Gateway CDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "SrcPhoneNum" for syslog and Local Storage, and "" for RADIUS (A_CALLING_STATION_ID).
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 20.

Source Port


Displays the SIP signaling source UDP port. The field value is an integer of up to 10 digits.


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling and GatewayCDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "SigSourcePort" for Gateway syslog, and "SourcePort" for SBC syslog and Local Storage.
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 13.

Source Tags


Displays source tags.


The field is optional. You can include it in the CDR by CDR customization using the SBC CDR Format table and Gateway CDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling and GatewayCDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 32.

Source URI Before Manipulation


Displays the source URI (username@host) before manipulation. The field value is a string of up to 150 characters.


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling CDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "SrcURIBeforeMap".
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 41.

Source URI


Displays the source URI (username@host). The field value is a string of up to 150 characters.


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling CDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "SrcURI".
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 41.

Source Username Before Manipulation


Displays the original source username (before manipulation, if any).


The field is optional. You can include it in the CDR by CDR customization using the SBC CDR Format tables.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling CDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "Caller" in the Web SBC CDR History table.
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 20.

Source Username


Displays the source username (after manipulation, if any).


The field is optional. You can include it in the CDR by CDR customization using the SBC CDR Format tables.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling CDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 20.




Displays the SRD table row index.


The field is optional. You can include it in the CDR by CDR customization using the SBC CDR Format table and Gateway CDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling and GatewayCDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 5.

SRD Name


Displays the SRD name. The field value is a string of up to 40 characters.


The field is optional. You can include it in the CDR by CDR customization using the SBC CDR Format table and Gateway CDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling and GatewayCDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "SrdId (name)".
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 32.

Call Success


Displays whether the call succeeded (“yes”) or failed (“no”).


The field is optional. You can include it in the CDR by CDR customization using the SBC CDR Format table and Gateway CDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling and GatewayCDRs ("CALL_END" CDR Report Types).

Termination Reason Category


Displays the category of the call termination reason. The field value is up to 17 characters and is set to one of the following:

Calls with duration 0 (i.e., not connected):

"GENERAL_FAILED": Any other reason

Calls with duration:



By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling and GatewayCDRs ("CALL_END" CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "TrmReasonCategory" for syslog and Local Storage, and "Termination Reason" for Web CDR History.
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 17.

Termination Reason Value


Displays the Q.850 reason codes (1-127) for call termination. For example, "16" for Normal Termination.


By default, the field is included in the CDR for RADIUS CDRs.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling and GatewayCDRs ("CALL_END" CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "h323-disconnect-cause=" (e.g., "h323-disconnect-cause=16").
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 5.

Termination Reason


Displays the reason for the call termination. The field value is a string of up to 40 characters and is set to one of the following:

Standard Call Termination Reasons:
AudioCodes Proprietary:


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling and GatewayCDRs ("CALL_END" CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "TrmReason".
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 40.

Termination Side RADIUS


Displays the party that terminated the call. The field value is a string:

"originate": SBC incoming leg or IP side for Gateway calls
"answer": SBC outgoing leg or Tel side for Gateway calls


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is mainly relevant to RADIUS CDRs, but can also be used in syslog and Local Storage.
The default field title is "terminator=".
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 10.

Termination Side Yes No


Displays the party that terminated the call. The field value is a string:

"yes": SBC outgoing leg or Tel side for Gateway calls
"no": SBC incoming leg or IP side for Gateway calls

The field is applicable to RADIUS CDRs


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is mainly relevant to RADIUS CDRs, but can also be used in syslog and Local Storage.
The default field title is "terminator=" (e.g., "terminator=yes").
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 5.

Termination Side


Displays the party that terminated the call. The field value is a string:

"LCL": SBC Outgoing leg or Tel side.
"RMT": SBC Incoming leg or IP side.
"UNKN": Unknown

For example, if the Orig field is "RMT" and this Termination Side field is "LCL", then the called party ended the call.


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling and GatewayCDRs ("CALL_END" CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "TrmSd".
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 5.

Transport Type


Displays the SIP signaling transport type protocol. The field value is a string:



By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling and GatewayCDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "SigTransportType" for Gateway syslog and Local Storage, and "TransportType" for SBC syslog and Local Storage.
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 16.



Displays the reason for the call (i.e., what triggered it):

"Normal": regular call
"Refer": call transfer
"AltRoute": alternative routing
"Forward": call forward
"Reroute": When a broken connection on the outgoing leg occurs, the call is rerouted to another destination according to the IP-to-IP Routing table (where matching characteristics includes the trigger for reroute).


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling and GatewayCDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "Trigger".
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 8.

Trunk Group ID


Displays the Trunk Group ID (integer).


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to Gateway CDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "TG".
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 5.

Trunk ID


Displays the physical trunk number (integer).


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to Gateway CDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "Trunk".
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 5.

Var Call User Defined 1-5


Displays the SIP header data obtained from using call variables (Var.Call.Src/Dst.UserDefined1-5) in Message Manipulation rules.


The field is optional. You can include it in the CDR by CDR customization using the SBC CDR Format table and Gateway CDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling and Gateway CDRs (all CDR Report Types).
The field is applicable only to syslog, RADIUS, Local Storage, and JSON.
For each variable-based field, the maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 20.
The maximum characters for all five variable-based CDR fields combined is 200. For example, if the summation of Var Call User Defined 1 and Var Call User Defined 2 is 1,024 characters, no characters are displayed for the other variables.

Was Call Started


Displays if the call was started or not (i.e., if a "CALL_START" CDR Report was generated).

"0": No INVITE was sent to the IP side for the Tel-to-IP call, or no Setup message was sent to the Tel side for the IP-to-Tel call. Note that the first "CALL_START" CDR report type of a new signaling leg has value "0".
"1": The call was started – an INVITE was sent to the IP side for the Tel-to-IP call, or a Setup message was sent to the Tel side for the IP-to-Tel call.


The field is optional. You can include it in the CDR by CDR customization using the SBC CDR Format table and Gateway CDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling and GatewayCDRs ("CALL_END" CDR Report Types).
The field is applicable only to syslog, RADIUS, and Local Storage.
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 5.

Coder Transcoding


Displays whether there was coder transcoding for the SBC call. The field is a string:



The field is optional. You can include it in the CDR by CDR customization using the SBC CDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to SBC media CDRs ("MEDIA_END" CDR Report Types).
The field is applicable only to syslog and RADIUS.
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 17.

Voice AI Connector ID


Displays the ID of the VoiceAI Connect when the device is used as a VoiceAI Connect Gateway.


The field is optional. You can include it in the CDR by CDR customization using the SBC CDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling (all CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "VoiceAIConnectorName".
For more information on the VoiceAI Connect, click here.

Voice AI Connector Name


Displays the name of the VoiceAI Connect when the device is used as a VoiceAI Connect Gateway.


By default, the field is included in the CDR.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling (all CDR Report Types).
The default field title is "VoiceAIConnectorName".
For more information on the VoiceAI Connect, click here.

Tenant ID


Displays the Tenant ID, which is typically used by OVOC. The value is obtained from the SIP message (header data) using Message Manipulation rules with the call variable Var.Call.Src|Dst.TenantId.

The field is optional. You can include it in the CDR by CDR customization using the SBC CDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling ("CALL_CONNECT" and "CALL_END" CDR Report Types).
The maximum number of characters for syslog tabular alignment is 71.

Released From IP


Displays if the call was terminated by the device (i.e., internal reason, for example, register user not found), or by the callee or called party. The field is a string:

"Yes" = Call was terminated by the callee or called party.
"No" = Call was terminated by the device.


The field is optional. You can include it in the CDR by CDR customization using the SBC CDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to SBC signaling CDRs ("CALL_END" CDR Report Type).