Configuring AMD

You can configure AMD for all calls using global AMD parameters or for specific calls using IP Profiles. The procedure below describes how to configure AMD for all calls. To configure AMD for specific calls, use the AMD parameters in the IP Profiles table (see Configuring IP Profiles)

For the Gateway appplication, you can configure AMD per call based on the called number or Trunk Group. This is done by configuring AMD for a specific IP Profile and then assigning the IP Profile to a Trunk Group in the IP-to-Tel Routing table (see Configuring IP-to-Tel Routing Rules).

To configure AMD for all calls:
1. Open the DSP Settings page (Setup menu > Signaling & Media tab > Media folder > DSP Settings):
2. From the 'IPMedia Detectors' drop-down list (EnableDSPIPMDetectors), select Enable .

3. Scroll down to the Answer Machine Detector group:

4. Select the AMD algorithm suite:
a. In the 'Answer Machine Detector Sensitivity Parameter Suite' field, select the required Parameter Suite included in the installed AMD Sensitivity file.
b. In the 'Answer Machine Detector Sensitivity' field, enter the required detection sensitivity level of the selected Parameter Suite.
5. Configure the answering machine beep detection:
a. In the 'Answer Machine Detector Beep Detection Timeout' field [AMDBeepDetectionTimeout], enter the duration that the beep detector operates from when detection is initiated.
b. In the 'Answer Machine Detector Beep Detection Sensitivity' field [AMDBeepDetectionSensitivity], enter the AMD beep detection sensitivity level.
6. Click Apply, and then restart the device with a save-to-flash for your settings to take effect.

For a complete list of AMD-related parameters, see IP Media Parameters.