Configuring Echo Cancellation

The device supports adaptive linear (line) echo cancellation according to G.168-2002. Echo cancellation is a mechanism that removes echo from the voice channel. Echoes are reflections of the transmitted signal.

In this line echo, echoes are generated when two-wire telephone circuits (carrying both transmitted and received signals on the same wire pair) are converted to a four-wire circuit. Echoes are reflections of the transmitted signal, which result from impedance mismatch in the hybrid (bi-directional 2-wire to 4-wire converting device).

An estimated echo signal is built by feeding the decoder output signal to an RLS-like adaptive filter, which adapts itself to the characteristics of the echo path. The ‘estimated echo signal’ (the output of this filter) is then subtracted from the input signal (which is the sum of the desired input signal and the undesired echo) to provide a clean signal. To suppress the remaining residual echo, a Non Linear Processor (NLP) is used, as well as a double-talk (two people speak at the same time) detector that prevents false adaptation during near-end speech.

The following procedure describes how to configure echo cancellation through the Web interface:

To configure echo cancellation:
1. Configure line echo cancellation:
a. Open the Voice Settings page (Setup menu > Signaling & Media tab > Media folder > Voice Settings).

b. From the 'Echo Canceller' drop-down list (EnableEchoCanceller), select Enable.

The following additional echo cancellation parameters are configurable only through the ini file:

ECHybridLoss - defines the four-wire to two-wire worst-case Hybrid loss
ECNLPMode - defines the echo cancellation Non-Linear Processing (NLP) mode
EchoCancellerAggressiveNLP - enables Aggressive NLP at the first 0.5 second of the call