Configuring Gateway User Information Table through CLI

The GW User Information table can be configured through CLI using the following commands:

To add or modify a user (example):
# configure voip
(config-voip)# sip-definition proxy-and-registration
(sip-def-proxy-and-reg)# user-info gw-user-info <index, e.g., 1>
(gw-user-info-1)# username JohnDee
(gw-user-info-1)# <activate | exit>
To delete a specific user, use the no command:
# configure voip
(config-voip)# sip-definition proxy-and-registration
(sip-def-proxy-and-reg)# no user-info gw-user-info <index, e.g., 1>
To import users from a file:
# configure voip
(config-voip)# sip-definition proxy-and-registration
(sip-def-proxy-and-reg)# user-info gw-user-info import-csv-from <URL>
To export users to a .csv file:
# configure voip
(config-voip)# sip-definition proxy-and-registration (sip-def-proxy-and-reg)# user-info gw-user-info export-csv-to <URL>
To view all table entries:
(sip-def-proxy-and-reg)# user-info gw-user-info display
---- gw-user-info-0 ----
pbx-ext (405)
global-phone-num (405)
display-name (Ext405)
username (user405)
password (0aGzoKfh5uI=)
status (not-resgistered)
To view a specific entry (example):
(sip-def-proxy-and-reg)# user-info gw-user-info <index, e.g., 0>
(gw-user-info-0)# display
pbx-ext (405)
global-phone-num (405)
display-name (Ext405)
username (user405)
password (0aGzoKfh5uI=)
status (not-resgistered)
To search a user by pbx-ext:
(sip-def-proxy-and-reg)# user-info find <pbx-ext e.g., 405>
405: Found at index 0 in GW user info table, not registered

To configure the GW User Information table, make sure that you have enabled the feature (see Enabling the User Info Table).