Configuring Internal Clock as Clock Source

You can configure the device to use its internal clock source. The internal clock source is a stratum 4E-compliant clock source. When the device has no line interfaces, the device should be configured in this mode.

To configure internal clock as clock source:
1. Configure the clock source as the device's internal oscillator:
a. Open the TDM Bus Settings page (Setup menu > Signaling & Media tab > Gateway folder > TDM Bus Settings).
b. From the 'TDM Bus Clock Source' drop-down list [TDMBusClockSource], select Internal:

2. (E1/T1 Trunks Only) Configure the line to drive the clock on all trunks:
a. Open the Trunk Settings page (see Configuring Trunk Settings).
b. From the 'Clock Master' drop-down list [ClockMaster], select Generated (for all trunks):

3. Restart the device with a save-to-flash for your settings to take effect.