Configuring a Static NAT IP Address for All Interfaces

You can configure a global (public) IP address of the router to enable static NAT between the device and the Internet for all network interfaces. The device replaces the source IP address for media of all outgoing SIP messages sent on any of its network interfaces to this public IP address.

The following procedure describes how to configure a static NAT address through the Web interface. You can also configure it through ini file [StaticNATIP] or CLI (configure voip > sip-definition settings > nat-ip-addr).

To configure a single static NAT IP address:
1. Open the Gateway General Settings page (Setup menu > Signaling & Media tab > Gateway folder > Gateway General Settings).
2. In the 'NAT IP Address' field, enter the NAT IP address in dotted-decimal notation.

Configuring Static NAT IP Address

3. Click Apply.

The feature is applicable only to the Gateway application.