Mapping NPI/TON to SIP Phone-Context

The Phone Contexts table lets you configure up to 20 rules for mapping the Numbering Plan Indication (NPI) and Type of Number (TON) to the SIP 'phone-context' parameter, and vice versa. The 'phone-context' parameter appears in the standard SIP headers where a phone number is used (i.e., Request-URI, To, From, and Diversion). When a call is received from the Tel side, the device searches the table for a matching rule (i.e., same NPI and TON values). If a matching rule is found, the device uses the rule's corresponding 'phone-context' value in the outgoing SIP INVITE message. The same mapping occurs when an INVITE with a 'phone-context' parameter is received.

For example, for a Tel-to-IP call with NPI/TON set as E164 National (values 1/2), the device can send the following SIP INVITE URI:


For an IP-to-Tel call, if the incoming INVITE contains this 'phone-context' (e.g. "phone-context="), the NPI/TON of the called number in the outgoing Setup message is changed to E164 National.

The following procedure describes how to configure NPI/TON-SIP phone-context mapping rules through the Web interface. You can also configure it through ini file [PhoneContext] or CLI (configure voip > gateway manipulation phone-context-table).

To configure NPI/TON-SIP phone-context mapping rules:
1. Open the Phone Contexts table (Setup menu > Signaling & Media tab > Gateway folder > Manipulation > Phone Contexts).
2. Click New; the following dialog box appears:

3. Configure a mapping rule according to the parameters described in the table below.
4. Click Apply.
You can configure multiple rows with the same NPI/TON or same SIP 'phone-context'. In such a configuration, a Tel-to-IP call uses the first matching rule in the table.
To add the incoming SIP 'phone-context' parameter as a prefix to the outgoing ISDN Setup message (for digital interfaces) with called and calling numbers, from the 'Add Phone Context As Prefix' drop-down list (AddPhoneContextAsPrefix), select Enable.

Phone Contexts table Parameter Description





Defines an index number for the new table row.

Note: Each row must be configured with a unique index.




Defines the Number Plan Indicator (NPI).

[0] Unknown (default)
[1] E.164 Public
[9] Private

For a detailed list of the available NPI/TON values, see Numbering Plans and Type of Number.




Defines the Type of Number (TON).

[0] Unknown
[1] International-Level2 Regional
[2] National-Level1 Regional
[3] Network-PSTN Specific
[4] Subscriber-Level0 Regional
[6] Abbreviated

The applicable values depend on the NPI value:

If you select Unknown as NPI, you can select Unknown.
If you select Private as NPI, you can select one of the following:
[0] Unknown
[1] International-Level2 Regional
[2] National-Level1 Regional
[3] Network-PSTN Specific
[4] Subscriber-Level0 Regional
If you select E.164 Public as NPI, you can select one of the following:
[0] Unknown
[1] International-Level2 Regional
[2] National-Level1 Regional
[3] Network-PSTN Specific
[4] Subscriber-Level0 Regional
[6] Abbreviated

'SIP Phone-Context'



Defines the SIP 'phone-context' URI parameter.