Miscellaneous CDR Configuration

Miscellaneous but important CDR configuration parameters are listed below:

To enable or disable the inclusion of the sequence number (S=) in CDR Syslog messages, use the 'CDR Syslog Sequence Number' [CDRSyslogSeqNum] parameter.
The device sends CDRs only for dialog-initiating INVITE messages (call start), 200 OK responses (call connect) and BYE messages (call end). For SBC calls only: If you want to enable the generation of CDRs for non-call SIP dialogs (such as SUBSCRIBE, OPTIONS, and REGISTER), use the [EnableNonCallCdr] parameter.
To configure the units of measurement for the call duration in CDRs ("Duration" CDR field), use the [CallDurationUnits] parameter.
To configure the time zone (e.g., GMT+1) that is displayed with the timestamp in CDRs ("Connect Time", "Release Time", and "Setup Time" CDR fields), use the [TimeZoneFormat] parameter