Number Manipulation Page

The Number Manipulation wizard page configures caller (source) and callee (destination) number manipulation for outbound and inbound calls, and allows you to use AudioCodes Routing Manager (ARM) to determine the routing.

To configure number manipulation:
1. Configure number manipulation:
a. Under the Outbound Calls and/or Inbound Calls groups, select the required manipulation check box:
Destination Number Manipulation: Manipulates the destination number.
Source Number Manipulation: Manipulates the source number.
a. In the 'Prefix' field, configure the prefix (digits at the beginning of the number) to which you want to apply manipulation. If configured to "*" (asterisk), manipulation is applied to all numbers.
b. In the 'Remove' field, configure the number of digits to be removed from the beginning of the number. If configured to "0", no digits are removed.
c. In the 'Add' field, configure a new prefix to be added to the beginning of the number. If not configured, no prefix is added.

The example below changes the number "+15033311432" to "03311432":

Prefix: "+1503"
Add: "0"
2. To enable routing by ARM, select the 'Use ARM for call routing' check box, and then configure the following fields:
'Host': IP address or FQDN of the ARM server.
'Username': Username for communication with ARM.
'Password': Password for communication with ARM.
3. Click Next; Remote Users (FEU) page appears (see Remote Users Page).