Querying the AD for Calling Name

The device can retrieve the calling name (display name) from an LDAP-compliant server (for example, Microsoft Active Directory / AD) for Tel-to-IP calls that are received without a calling name.

The device uses the calling number (PBX or mobile number) for the LDAP query. Upon an incoming INVITE, the device queries the AD based on the Calling Number search key (tries to match the calling number with the appropriate "telephoneNumber" or "mobile" number AD attribute entry). It then searches for the corresponding calling name attribute, configured by the MSLDAPDisplayNameAttributeName parameter (e.g., “displayName”). The device uses the resultant calling name as the display name parameter in the SIP From header of the outgoing INVITE message.

To configure this feature, the following keywords are used in the Calling Name Manipulation for Tel-to-IP Calls table for the 'Prefix/Suffix to Add' fields, which can be combined with other characters:

"$LDAP-PBX": LDAP query using the MSLDAPPBXAttrName parameter as the search key
"$LDAP-MOBILE": LDAP query using MSLDAPMobileAttrName parameter as the search key

If the source (calling) number of the Tel-to-IP call matches the PBX / MOBILE (e.g., "telephoneNumber" and "mobile") number in the AD server, the device uses the resultant Display Name instead of the keyword(s).

For example, assume the following configuration in the Calling Name Manipulation for Tel-to-IP Calls table:

'Source Phone Pattern' field is set to "4".
'Prefix to Add' field is set to "$LDAP-PBX Office".

If the calling number is 4046 and the resultant LDAP query display name is "John Doe", the device sends the INVITE message with the following From header:

From: John Doe <sip:4064@company.com>
The Calling Name Manipulation for Tel-to-IP Calls table uses the numbers before manipulation, as inputs.
The LDAP query uses the calling number after source number manipulation, as the search key value.
This feature is applicable only to the Gateway application.