Viewing Registration Status

The Registration Status page displays registration status of the following:

Registration status mode of the device. This displays if you have configured single registration and authentication for the entire device (i.e., 'Registration Mode' [AuthenticationMode] parameter set to Per Gateway).
Registration status of SIP Accounts, which are configured in the Accounts table (see Configuring Registration Accounts).
To view registration status:
Open the Registration Status page (Monitor menu > Monitor tab > VoIP Status folder > Registration Status).

Registration Status Page Description



'Registered Per Gateway'

Displays the registration status of the device:


Note: The parameter is applicable only to the Gateway application.

Ports Registration Status table

Displays the registration status per analog (FXS) port

'Group Name'

Displays the analog port number.


Displays the port's registration status:

"Not Registered"

Accounts Registration Status table

Displays the registration status per Account.

'Group Type'

Displays the row index number of the Served Trunk Group or IP Group.

'Group Name'

Displays the name of the Served Trunk Group or IP Group (if applicable).

'Server Address'

Displays the address (IP address and port) of the registrar server (Proxy Set of Serving IP Group) to which the Account is registered.


Displays the Account's registration status:

"Not Registered"