Alternative Routing upon ISDN Disconnect

You can configure when the device sends a call to an alternative route if it receives an ISDN Q.931 Disconnect message with a Progress Indicator (PI) IE from the Tel side for IP-to-Tel calls. The Disconnect message indicates that the call cannot be established due to, for example, a busy state on the Tel side.

You can configure the following modes of operation:

Disable: The device doesn't immediately disconnect the call. Instead, it waits for any subsequent media from the Tel side (e.g., "this number is currently busy") and forwards it to the IP side (SIP 183 for early media). Only when it receives a Q.931 Release message, does the device disconnect the call (sends a SIP BYE message to the IP side). If you have configured an alternative route, the device sends the IP call to the alternative route.
Enable: The device immediately sends the IP call to an alternative route, if you have configured one. If no alternative route has been configured and the Disconnect message is received with PI, the device forwards the subsequent early media to the IP side. The device disconnects the IP call only upon receipt of the subsequent Release message.
To configure alternative routing upon receipt of ISDN Disconnect:
1. Open the Digital Gateway Parameters page (Setup menu > Signaling & Media tab > Gateway folder > Digital Gateway > Digital Gateway Settings).
2. From the 'Disconnect Call With PI If Alt' drop-down list (DisconnectCallwithPIifAlt), select the required option:

3. Click Apply.