Chat mode

VoiceAI Connect Enterprise provides a generic bot API that can be used for connecting it to any bot service that doesn't use the standard bot frameworks (such as Microsoft Azure, Amazon Lex, and Google Dialogflow). This Customer-proprietary bot service could also employ middleware that proxies between it and VoiceAI Connect Enterprise. In such a scenario, it's preferable that VoiceAI Connect Enterprise connects directly to your framework or middleware.

AudioCodes bot API offers the following benefits:

This page describes the textual Bot API. For the Voice Bot API, see Streaming mode.

Bot API implementation

AudioCodes has developed a channel for Rasa bot framework that implements AudioCodes bot API. More information about this channel can be found here.

This implementation can be used as a reference for using AudioCodes Bot API.


The roles in the bot API are:

You should implement the server-side of the API so that VoiceAI Connect Enterprise can connect to it.

The API uses HTTP. All requests by VoiceAI Connect Enterprise are sent to the bot service.

The API only conveys textual messages (not voice) because VoiceAI Connect Enterprise uses speech-to-text (STT) and text-to-speech (TTS) engines.

Conversation Flow

The conversation flow between VoiceAI Connect Enterprise and the bot service is as follows:

  1. VoiceAI Connect Enterprise creates a new conversation by using a pre-configured URL.

  2. The reply contains URLs for posting messages to the conversation.

  3. Throughout the conversation, VoiceAI Connect Enterprise posts the user’s messages to the given URL, while the responses contains the bot’s replies.

  4. VoiceAI Connect Enterprise ends the conversation.

The following shows an example of a conversation flow between VoiceAI Connect Enterprise and a proprietary bot service:

Before You Begin

Prior to using this API, please note the following:


VoiceAI Connect Enterprise should be configured with a botURL parameter. VoiceAI Connect Enterprise uses the botURL to connect to your bot, for two purposes:

For Rasa bots, a typical value for botURL has the form: http://<host>/webhooks/audiocodes/webhook

Other relevant configuration parameters include:

API Endpoints

Creation of a Conversation

To start a conversation, VoiceAI Connect Enterprise sends a POST request to the botURL. VoiceAI Connect Enterprise sends the unique ID of the conversation in the conversation attribute. If multiple bots share the same URL, VoiceAI Connect Enterprise can be configured to add a bot attribute to the request body.

The body of the response from the bot service should contain a set of URLs for performing actions on the newly created conversation. The URLs should be unique to the conversation, by containing a UUID as part of the path - either by using the ID from the conversation attribute or a UUID generated by the bot service.

If a URL is relative, VoiceAI Connect Enterprise resolves the URL using the botURL parameter as the base URL (according to Section 4 of RFC 1808).

After the conversation is created, VoiceAI Connect Enterprise sends an activity with the start event.

Request Body Attributes






VoiceAI Connect Enterprise's conversation ID.



(Optional) The value of the providerBotName parameter (if exists).


Array of strings

An array with the following values:

websocket: indicates support for receiving activities using WebSocket.

Response Body Attributes






Relative or absolute URL. VoiceAI Connect Enterprise sends activities to this URL.

Note: This parameter is mandatory.



Relative or absolute URL.

Note: This parameter is mandatory.



Relative or absolute URL.

Note: This parameter is mandatory.



(Optional) Relative or absolute URL. This URL indicates that the bot (server) supports sending activities using WebSocket. For more information, see Sending Activities over WebSocket.



The value can be from 60 to 3600. The recommended value is 120.

For more information on conversation refreshes, see Conversation Refresh.

Note: This parameter is mandatory.


The following shows an example of creating a conversation:


  "conversation": "ad8f59d2-4a72-4f19-ad34-e7e9b1636111",
  "capabilities": [


  "activitiesURL": "conversation/ad8f59d2-4a72-4f19-ad34-e7e9b1636111/activities",
  "refreshURL": "conversation/ad8f59d2-4a72-4f19-ad34-e7e9b1636111/refresh",
  "disconnectURL": "conversation/ad8f59d2-4a72-4f19-ad34-e7e9b1636111/disconnect",
  "expiresSeconds": 60

Sending and Receiving Activities

The messages sent between the parties of the conversation are called activities. When VoiceAI Connect Enterprise has activities to send, it sends a POST request to the URL specified in activitiesURL. The body of the POST request includes an activities attribute containing an array of activities.

The body of the response should also include an activities attribute containing an array of activities. If no activities are needed, either the activities attribute is omitted or it's sent with an empty array.

If the conversation doesn’t exist, the bot service should respond with a 404 Not Found.

In addition, each activity must include the following additional attributes:

Request Body Attributes






VoiceAI Connect Enterprise's conversation ID.


Array of Objects

Array of activities.

Response Body Attributes





Array of Objects

Array of activities.


The following shows an example of the start activity that is sent by VoiceAI Connect Enterprise when a conversation starts (using activities endpoint):


  "conversation": "ad8f59d2-4a72-4f19-ad34-e7e9b1636111",
  "activities": [
      "id": "ecf2d78d-ef7b-4a5e-907c-53c97cef5f97",
      "timestamp": "2020-01-26T13:03:48.745Z",
      "language": "en-US",
      "type": "event",
      "name": "start",
      "parameters": {
        "callee": "1234",
        "calleeHost": "",
        "caller": "+123456789",
        "callerHost": ""


  "activities": [
      "id": "15b3d407-5161-41e7-8114-a273859c5f6d",
      "timestamp": "2020-01-26T13:03:48.748Z",
      "language": "en-US",
      "type": "message",
      "text": "Hi there."

The following shows an example of message activities that correspond to speech utterances:

Request (to activitiesURL):

  "conversation": "55b77909-82d8-4355-87f1-68081f4dbb36",
  "activities": [
      "id": "bc44c054-846d-490d-85e9-d3aea96b4f0f",
      "timestamp": "2019-08-20T14:09:12.251Z",
      "language": "en-US",
      "type": "message",
      "text": "Hi.",
      "parameters": {
        "confidence": 0.6599681377410889,
        "recognitionOutput": {
          "RecognitionStatus": "Success",
          "Offset": 32300000,
          "Duration": 5800000,
          "NBest": [
              "Confidence": 0.6599681377410889,
              "Lexical": "hi",
              "ITN": "Hi",
              "MaskedITN": "Hi",
              "Display": "Hi."
              "Confidence": 0.3150425851345062,
              "Lexical": "high",
              "ITN": "high",
              "MaskedITN": "high",
              "Display": "high"


  "activities": [
      "id": "dc4eb401-17f2-436f-80fa-b60156b8a804",
      "timestamp": "2020-01-26T13:04:00.885Z",
      "language": "en-US",
      "type": "message",
      "text": "How may I assist you?"

Sending Activities over WebSocket

Typically, bots based on the AudioCodes Bot API operate by request-response communication. The user's input is conveyed to the bot in the request, and the bot's immediate response is conveyed in the response. The Asynchronous API allows bots to also send any messages (activities) asynchronously to users through VoiceAI Connect Enterprise (i.e., without requiring a request).

An example of a scenario where this asynchronous feature could be implemented is when the bot needs to perform a time consuming action such as fetching information from a database. In this scenario, the bot may first send a reply of "please wait" to the user, and then once the information is retrieved, sends a message to the user with the information.

For using the asynchronous API, the bot should specify a URL in the websocketURL property on the response it sends to the botURL (as described in Creation of a Conversation). If this property is specified, VoiceAI Connect Enterprise opens a WebSocket connection dedicated for this conversation. The bot must be ready to accept this incoming WebSocket connection (it's recommended to use a library that implements a WebSocket server at the bot service). This WebSocket connection is used by VoiceAI Connect Enterprise to receive asynchronous activities from the bot; VoiceAI Connect Enterprise doesn't send any messages through this connection.

VoiceAI Connect Enterprise maintains the WebSocket connection for the entire duration of the conversation and closes it upon the end of the conversation. If the WebSocket connection establishment fails, or an unrecoverable error causes it to close, the conversation is terminated with an error.

It's recommended to use HTTPS for securing the WebSocket connection. In addition, a static token or a dynamic OAuth 2.0 token can be used as specified in Security (the token is sent in the Authorization header of the WebSocket establishment request).

Once the WebSocket connection is established, the bot can send any activities through this connection whenever it wants. Activities are sent as text messages (WebSocket payload) containing a JSON object with a single activities parameter (the structure of the JSON object is identical to the response body described in Sending and Receiving Activities). For example:

  "activities": [
      "id": "15b3d407-5161-41e7-8114-a273859c5f6d",
      "timestamp": "2020-01-26T13:03:48.748Z",
      "language": "en-US",
      "type": "message",
      "text": "Hi there."

Conversation Refresh

VoiceAI Connect Enterprise refreshes the conversation by sending a refresh request to the conversation at least 30 seconds before the expiresSeconds value expires. The expiresSeconds time is activated upon the start of conversation or last refresh. The refresh is done by sending a POST request to the URL specified in refreshURL.

The expiresSeconds value can be updated by the response body.

If the bot service doesn't receive a refresh request before expiresSeconds value expires, it should consider the conversation as terminated (with an error condition).

The bot service should reply with a 200 OK response to the refresh request (see possible attributes below). If no reply is received for a refresh request, or an error reply is received, the conversation is terminated with an error.

If the conversation doesn’t exist, the bot service should respond with a 404 Not Found.

Request Body Attributes






VoiceAI Connect Enterprise's conversation ID.

Response Body Attributes






The value can be from 60 to 3600 seconds. The recommended value is 120.

Note: The parameter is optional. If not specified, the previous value of expiresSeconds is used.



  "conversation": "ad8f59d2-4a72-4f19-ad34-e7e9b1636111"


  "expiresSeconds": 60

Ending a Conversation

The conversation may end due to the following reasons:

For any of the above reasons, VoiceAI Connect Enterprise sends a POST request to the URL specified in disconnectURL. The body of the POST request can contain a reason attribute. The body of the response should be an empty JSON object. If the conversation doesn’t exist, the bot service should respond with a 404 Not Found.

If the conversation expires on the bot service side (i.e., no refresh was done by VoiceAI Connect Enterprise), no explicit message is sent by VoiceAI Connect Enterprise.

Request Body Attributes






VoiceAI Connect Enterprise's conversation ID.



(Optional) The reason for disconnecting the conversation (free text).

Response Body Attributes

The response body is empty.



  "conversation": "ad8f59d2-4a72-4f19-ad34-e7e9b1636111",
  "reasonCode": "client-disconnected",
  "reason": "Client Side"



Health Check

To validate the connection with the bot without creating a conversation, the bot side should handle GET requests to the botURL URL without creating a conversation (as conversations are created by POST requests). When VoiceAI Connect Enterprise is deployed as a Software as a Service (SaaS) cloud service, it uses this health-check endpoint to verify that the botURL and token that were provided are correct. Upon success, the bot replies with a 200 OK containing a JSON body having the attributes listed below.

Request Body Attributes

The request body is empty.

Response Body Attributes






The value is always ac-bot-api.



The value is always true.

  "type": "ac-bot-api",
  "success": true