Step 1- Add Device in Live Platform
This procedure describes how to manually add SBC devices to Live Platform.
Click Add and select AC Device or Multiple AC Devices. |
The AC Device Details screen opens under the General tab:
Define an intuitive device name to facilitate operator-friendly management later. Do not use underscores in the name. |
Provide a description of the device to facilitate operator-friendly management later. |
From the Service drop-down list, choose the service to attach to the device. When selecting the Add Multiple Device option, all devices will be attached to the selected service. |
Enter the device 32-bit serial number (see below): |
For physical appliances: Navigate to Monitor > Summary > Device Information > Serial Number |
Software SBC devices: The 32-bit Serial number is not exposed in the Web/CLI/INI interfaces; contact AudioCodes to obtain this value. |
[Optional] In the General Information field, enter a brief description of the device. For example, the site where the device is deployed. |
Click the SNMP tab and configure one of the following: |
SNMPv2: Deselect the 'Use Tenant SNMP Profile' check box and configure the Community strings: SNMP Read Community (default-public) and SNMP Write Community (default-private). |
Un check the 'Use Tenant SNMP Profile' check box. |
From the 'Authentication Protocol' drop-down, choose SHA |
From the 'Privacy Protocol' drop-down, choose AES_128 |
From the Security Level field, choose Authentication And Privacy |
Un check the 'Use Tenant SNMP Profile' check box. |
In the 'Device Admin User' field, enter the Security user that you received from your provider. |
In the the 'Device Admin Password' field, enter the Security user password that you received from your provider. Example: Admin, Admin. |
From the Communication Protocol drop-down, choose HTTPS. Securing the connection between the Live Platform server and the AudioCodes device over HTTPS is used for files upload or download and for Web Client Single-Sign On. |