Logging in with Microsoft Azure MFA

Logging into the Live Platform portal interface is secured using Azure Authentication with Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). Login can be performed by any M365 user who is configured as a Live Platform operator configured in the Enterprise application for the Live Platform instance of the customer tenant (see Setting up Microsoft Azure Authentication).

To login using Azure authentication:
1. Enter the link for the Portal – DNS or IP address.
2. In the Username field, enter the operator username.
3. Ensure that the “Use Azure Authentication” check box is selected.

4. Click Login with Microsoft.

5. Enter user name and password and then click Sign in.
6. You will be prompted to authenticate your account using Microsoft Authenticator. A screen similar to the following is displayed.

7. Follow the steps to configure the user account in the Microsoft Authenticator.

The Channel Summary is displayed:

Dashboard Screen Elements




Service Provider Logo

The Service Provider logo (uploaded by SysAdmin in Service Provider Tenant settings).


Menu Bar

Menu bar options: 

Dashboard (see below)
Alarms (see Monitoring Alarms from Customer Service Sites)
Performance Monitoring
Quality of Experience (see Monitoring Voice Quality Statistics from Customer Tenant Sites)
Users (see Managing M365 Users)
Service Request (see Managing Service Requests)


A list of notifications for alarms raised on the Microsoft 365 platform and for system tasks statuses.

Active Alarms Summary

Summary of Critical, Major, Minor and Warning alarms.

SIP Connections Calls Statistics (Real Time)

Summary of SBC Calls Statistics for all managed services.

Teams Calls Statistics (Real Time)

Summary of Microsoft Teams Calls Statistics for all managed customers and services.

Services By Types

Shows the breakdown of deployed managed services.

Operators Actions menu: Displays the logged in operator credentials and when clicked opens additional menu options.

Tenant Scope

Tenant Scope for each of the configured Service Provider tenants.

Additional options

Debug Mode: Enables the collection of log files for Web interface activity.
Workspace Manager: Enables you to activate the Workspace functionality. Operators can save their workspace, i.e., they can save their GUI contexts such as filters, Network Map zoom positions, column widths, etc. The feature can be enabled manually or automatically. After logging out or after the browser is closed, all saved GUI contexts are retrieved the next time the operator logs in. Best practice is to save the workspace you’re currently performing operations in, so re-accessing it is quick and effortless.
Download Logs: Enables you to download log files for Web interface activity.
Change Password: Enables you to change the password of the currently logged in user.
Lock: Locks the current screen.
Logout: Logs out the currently logged in user.
About: Short description of the installed product version.

Channel Summary

Link to Customers page

Link to Customers page.

Link to Services page

Opens the Services page of the Customer.

Users Count

Summary of the total number of managed users for all service types and link to the User Details page.

DID Usage Summary

The number of assigned phone numbers and the total number of available numbers for all service types. Phone numbers are assigned as follows:

Operator Connect in the Teams admin center (see Assigning Phone Numbers in Teams admin center)
Direct Routing in the Multitenant portal (see Manually Assigning Phone Numbers to Users)
Zoom Phone System (see Assign Numbers in Zoom Admin App)

Link to AD User's Location page

The number of Active Directory user locations of the users managed by the provider’s customers and links to a statistics summary screen for these entities.


Quick Glance Summary

Quick glance status and monitoring summary of the entities that are managed by the provider.

Zoom Customers

The number of New (leads) and Active Zoom customers.

Operator Connect Number Management Page

Link to the Operator Connect Number Management page in the AudioCodes Live Portal displaying the numbers that are connected and assigned to operators. See Operator Connect Number Management.

Operator Connect Customer Summary

Link to the Operator Connect Customer Leads page in the AudioCodes Live Portal displaying the new and existing customers. See Managing Leads and Tenant Services.

DM Endpoints

Summary of the number of disconnected endpoints and the total number of deployed endpoints and link to Device Manager page.

To view the customer screen, in the Menu bar, select Network.

Customers Screen Elements

Screen Element


Service Provider Logo

The Service Provider logo (uploaded by SysAdmin in Service Provider Tenant settings).

Menu bar

The configuration and monitoring menu options in this interface.


A list of notifications for alarms raised on the Microsoft 365 platform and for system tasks statuses.

Operators Actions menu

The logged in operator credentials and lets you perform actions such as logging out.

Customer Details pane

Summary of the customer configuration and quick glance statistics for the managed M365 Tenant (see Customer Details Quick Glance).

Filters pane

M365 Tenant filters (see Customers Screen Filters).


Lets you scroll between pages in the M365 Tenant screen.