Managing Device Configuration Files

The Backup Manager page lets you manage the backup of your device configuration files including files backed up automatically (see Automatic Device Backup) or manually (see Back Up Devices).

Do the following:
1. In the menu, choose TopologyDevices > Backup Manager.

View the following in the Backup Manager page:

Backup Summary window: Displays all devices for whom files have been backed up on the Live Platform server. Click a device to view those files under the Backup Files window to the right.
Backup Files window: Displays backup files for each device that have been saved to the Backup Manager; ini and cli script files (MSBRs), zip file (Configuration Package) (SBCs / Gateways), zip file (VoiceAI Connect) and JSON file (Stack Manager).
All SBCs / Gateways whose version is 7.4.200 and later are backed up with the zip file.
The number of backup files stored includes old and new file types. For example, if a device operates with an ini file and already has three stored ini files when the maximum that can be stored is five, two more zip files are stored before deletion of old ini files begins (see also ).
For upgraded devices which operate with the old file type, in the next backup round after the upgrade, a zip file is created (and the oldest backup is deleted if necessary) (see also Enabling Automatic Device Backup Periodically).
2. View under Backup Summary the following columns for each entry:
Device Name and Product Type
Number of Files [the number of files backed up from the device to the OVOC]
Last Successful Backup Time
Last Backup Time
Last Backup Status
Tenant [the tenant under which the device is located]
Region [the region under which the device is located]
3. Optionally filter displayed files for more effective access to the specific files you need:
Click a column header; files are displayed accordingly.
4. View under Backup Files the backed-up file names. They're in the following format:

node id||timestamp _ Device IP Address _ Node ID _ Serial Number _ periodic/manual _ Product type _ INI/CONF/CLI _ Date Formatted

Here's an example of a backed-up filename:


5. Use the following table as reference to the preceding example.

Explanation of Backed Up File Name Format

File Name Format



Indicates the Node ID||Timestamp

Indicates the device's IP address


Indicates the Node ID


Indicates the Serial Number


Indicates whether backup was periodic or manual. In the example, it was manual.


Indicates the product type.


Indicates the type of backed-up file: INI/CONF/CLI


Indicates the time and date, formatted as: HHmm-MMM-dd-yyyy

6. In the page's Backup Summary, select the device whose configuration (ini or cli script file) you want to edit and then click Edit.

The AC Device Details page is displayed. See Step 1- Add Device in Live Platform.

7. In the Backup Files pane, select the check boxes adjacent to the files that you wish to backup and then click Save.

The selected files are downloaded to your PC.