Operator Connect Number Management

This section describes how to manage numbers that have been assigned to customers. You can monitor all actions performed in this module in Synchronizing Operator Connect Tasks.

To manage customer numbers:

A list of all managed phone numbers is displayed.

The table below describes the fields in this screen.




Phone number

Customer Name

The name of the customer tenant.


Country name abbreviation

Tenant ID

Tenant ID of the operator.

Emergency Address

Operators’ address in the event of an emergency.

Calling Profile ID

Calling Profile ID


'webapi'- Displayed for numbers loaded from the Public REST API.
'webui'-Displayed for numbers loaded from Customer Leads page (Upload Numbers action) for licensed enabled customers.
<emptyvalue> Displayed for numbers loaded directly from Synergy or from other sources external to the managed Live Platform instance.
In the Public REST API for the Get Numbers endpoint, Source empty returns value 'ocsync'.
For numbers with value <emptyvalue>, the SBC configuration is not affected.
For numbers with value webui or webapi, the OCDialPlan is updated on the SBC.


Job ID


The number assignment type configured in the Teams admin center:

Unassigned: No current number assignment
UserAssigned: 'User' Voice calling
ConferenceAssigned: Conference calling
VoiceApp: Auto-Attendant calling.

Acquired Date

Date when the phone number was acquired by the system.

Display Number Details

1. Select the Emergency Address tab to view a list of emergency numbers.

The table below describes the actions that can be performed in this screen.




Release Number: Release a number from a customer (see Releasing a Single Number)
Export to CSV: Export specific number record to a CSV file (see Export Single Phone Numbers and Exporting all Phone Numbers)
Import: Import a CSV file containing numbers you wish to assign to tenants (see Import Numbers)
Change Emergency Location: Change the Emergency Location address (see Change Emergency Location)
Update Number Capabilities (see Update Number Capabilities)
Number Un-Assign (see Unassigning a Number)

Synchronizes the listing with the O365 Azure Active Directory.

Releases or deletes selected numbers. See Releasing a Single Number.

Exports a list of numbers to a CSV file either globally for all records or for individual records.