Verifying Lead Status Process

This step describes how to verify the status of the new customer lead.

To verify the status of the customer lead:
1. Login to the Microsoft Synergy tool with AudioCodes SysAdmin permissions:

2. In the Navigation pane, select Customer Consents.
3. View the customer lead with the example Microsoft tenant ID 'daf09efd-f31e-41e4-a86c-bd65bf821e25' and verify that the customer lead is displays Status (Latest) Active.
4. In the Multitenant portal, open the OC Sync Tasks page (Monitoring > Operator Connect > Sync Tasks).

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5. Verify the status of the “peering.sync-leads-job” indicates “successful”.

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6. In the Main Tenant Main Page, open the Customer Leads page. A list of all new customer leads is displayed including customer tenant with its Microsoft Tenant ID 'daf09efd-f31e-41e4-a86c-bd65bf821e25'.
7. Verify for the relevant lead that the Microsoft Status is Active.
8. Once shown as Active, use the public API to retrieve OC leads without filtering parameters (see Get Leads) or retrieve the OC lead for the specific tenantId, in the example ' daf09efd-f31e-41e4-a86c-bd65bf821e25' (see Get Specific Lead).