Managing Generated Configuration Files on Azure
Configuration and firmware files are saved on AudioCodes Microsoft Azure Blob account. When devices are connected to the network for the first time, they retrieve their files from this account. In Day Two, the Device Manager synchronizes with the Azure Blob sending the latest file updates.
➢ | To manage device files: |
1. | Open the ‘Generated Configuration Azure Files’ page (Setup > Configuration > Generated Config Files). |
2. | Click the ‘Customer’ drop-down and toggle between the relevant services; the page displays only files for the selected service. |
3. | Click inside the ‘MAC’ field, select a MAC address and then click the magnifying glass icon; the page displays only files related to the customer and the MAC address . |
Device configuration in Device Manager is protected through encrypted cfg file names; simple URLs would make device configuration vulnerable to unauthorized access.
4. | After filtering the page as shown above, click the ![]() |
dm/report_status/paths=status/packages/*, status/audio/stream/*, status/network/*, status/installed/*, status/peripheral/device/*, status/system/hostname, status/ssl_certificate/*,status/version_info/*, status/device/serial_number
dm/report_config/paths=provisioning/period/*, bundle/device/*, system/bundle_name, system/bundle/allowed_bundles
;NO SERVICE_PROVIDER Provider1 configuration
;NO GROUP configuration
;NO CUSTOMER Provider1 [ai0logics-DM] configuration
;NO Profile configuration
;NO USER configuration
1. | View in the opened file (refer to the preceding figures): |
● | The configuration URL; path of the AudioCodes Azure Blob account; when you generate a configuration file, Device Manager adds the file to the Azure Blob. See example Configuration URL below. Click the |
● | The firmware URL; path of the AudioCodes Azure Blob; note that it points to ‘latest’, i.e., the latest firmware files in the Device Manager |
● | The provisioning URL;path of the web application firewall (WAF), which points alarms, keepalive messages, init, status, etc., to the Aggregator or Device Manager, depending on what you append at the end of the path. |
● | View also in the file (lowermost) that you can apply the configuration at the level of: |
◆ | Service Provider |
◆ | Service (see Managing Services) |
◆ | Profile (see Managing Profiles) |
◆ | User |
2. | To add newly released firmware, add the file in Azure Blob so every device synchronizes and then in the ‘Latest Versions’ page in Device Manager, manually upload the newly released firmware version. To upload a firmware version to Azure Blob, click the upload icon adjacent to the device. |
3. | (Optionally) Operate with a specific, non-official version if for example there is an issue with the official version or there is a new feature that Microsoft has not certified yet. The ‘Latest Versions’ page displays the latest official firmware files versions. |
a. | Click the More tab. |
b. | For every device model, you can add one or more firmware files. |
c. | Click the upload icon; the 'Upload Firmware' prompt displays an option to choose the latest version or one of the other versions if there are. |
d. | Open the Devices Status page (Monitor > Devices Status). |
e. | Click Actions adjacent to the device and choose Update Firmware (applies to all Android-based devices) or Update App Suite (applies to Windows-based RXV100). |
f. | If the firmware on the device is up to date, you'll view a 'This model does not have firmware to update' notification. If it's not up to date, you'll view this (for example): |
g. | From the Select Version' drop-down, select a version (latest official version or non-official version) and click Confirm. |