Admin can monitor and maintain RXV81 Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) in their networks.
To get started with RXV81 BYOD, see the RXV81 BYOD Quick Guide available from AudioCodes.
Before starting to monitor and maintain RXV81 BYOD, you need to configure a nickname (user name).
Without configuring this nickname (user name), the device cannot successfully complete provisioning.
| ➢
To configure a nickname (user name): |
| 1.
In the Devices Status page (Monitor > Dashboard > Devices Status) click Actions adjacent to the device. |
| 2.
From the menu that pops up, select Nickname. |
| 3.
Enter a nickname (user name) and click Update. |
| 4.
In the Devices Status page, click the 'Generate configuration' icon located in the same row as the device. |
| 5.
Make sure under the 'User Name' column shown in the figure below that the nickname (user name) you defined above is displayed. |
| 6.
Make sure provisioning was successfully completed: the correct template name must be displayed under the 'Template' column as shown in the figure above. |
| ➢
To monitor and maintain the RXV81 BYOD: |
| 1.
Open the Devices Status page and optionally reduce clutter by searching for RXV81. |
| 2.
If in the 'Status' column you view: |
| ●
a grayed (inactive) icon as shown in the preceding figure, it indicates that RXV81 is disconnected from the PC and is operating as an RXV81 MTRA (/license/MTRfA/enable = 1). |
| ●
green (active) icon as shown in the figure below, it indicates that the USB is plugged in to the PC (/status/usb_device_mode/plugged = 1) and RXV81 is operating as an RXV81 BYOD. |
| ◆
Point your mouse at the green (active) icon shown in the figure below to make sure from the tool tip that pops up that RXV81 BYOD is plugged in to the PC.
| ●
a red colored icon, it indicates that RXV81 BYOD is disconnected from Device Manager. |
| 3.
[Possibly] View the following 'Generate configuration' icon: |
Perform a 'Generate Configuration' action.
| 4.
Point your mouse at the i (information) icon in the row of the device and from the tool tip that pops up determine if the device features Bluetooth, RAM size and Wi-Fi. |
| 5.
Click the button adjacent to the device to manage -OR- select multiple devices and then click the activated button. |
| 6.
From the popup menu, select the management action you require; the procedures are the same as for the other managed devices described in this document. |
| 7.
Select Show Info or click the i (information) icon adjacent to the listed device. |
| 8.
Click the Summary tab. |
| 9.
View a summary of device-related information including the device's Version, Status, IP Address, Last Status Update Time, Site, Reboot Reason and Up Time. |
| 10.
Click the Network Info tab. |
| 11.
Click the Version Info tab; information related to the version is displayed. |
| 12.
If an alarm is active on the device, view the indication adjacent to the Alarms tab. |
| 13.
Click the Security tab. |
| 14.
View certificate status information related to the device. In the preceding figure, the reporting device is an Android device. Certificate status information includes ‘Issued by’, 'Issued to' and ‘Validity’.
| 15.
View under the Advanced tab information about the device's parameters: |
| ●
Reported Configuration Parameters (see below) |
| ●
Set Bundle Configuration (see below) (for more information about available bundles, see the RXV81 USB Peripheral User's and Administrator's Manual) |