Filling in the ‘New Meeting Insights Tenant’ Form

The instructions here show how to fill in the fields in the 'New Meeting Insights Tenant' form. After the form is filled in, the tenant is deployed.

➢ To complete the 'New Meeting Insights Tenant' form:
1. Fill in the fields shown in the figure below using the table below it as reference.

The icon indicates that the field is not editable so configure it carefully! If you err, you'll need to delete the tenant and create a new one.



Customer (M365 Tenant) Name

Enter the name, that is, a unique name per Microsoft 365 Tenant. Limited to 128 characters.


Unique domain


Limited to 256 characters

Short Company Name

Unique name


Note the following rules:

â–  Limited to 32 characters
â–  The following characters cannot be used: \ / : * ? " < > |
â–  Can contain letters (lower/UPPER case)
â–  Numbers and special characters are allowed but cannot contain a full stop (.) or blank spaces
â–  Hyphens are allowed but not at the beginning or at the end and not one after another

Contact Email Addresses

Enter the email addresses of those in the enterprise who can be contacted and will receive the email notifications.

Customer Default Administrator UPNs

Enter User Principal Names. Each comprises: UPN prefix (the user account name) and UPN suffix (a DNS domain name). The prefix is joined with the suffix using the "@" symbol. For example, "". For the full access default administrator, users are able to access the Meeting Insights application and set it up for the organization.

Click Add after each entry.

Included Users

Enter the number of licensed users to include in the tenant. The Purchase Order (PO) indicates the number.

Allow to Exceed Included Users

â–  Enabled - allows the number of licensed users to be exceeded; when the customer is allowed to exceed included users, the system will allow allocating more users than included.
â–  Disabled - the number of licensed users cannot be exceeded (default).

Optionally, it's possible to start with 'Disabled' and later change to 'Enabled'. See also the related chapter 'Synchronizing Meeting Insights Users with AAD' in the Next Generation Meeting Insights Administrator's Guide.

Storage: Location

From the dropdown, select the storage location you require: Europe, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Norway, Germany, France, Sweden or Israel.

Geographical Redundancy Storage (GRS)

â–  Enabled - Allows GRS capability
â–  Disabled - Denies GRS capability

GRS Storage Included (GB)

From the dropdown, select the GRS storage in Gigabytes.

Bring Your Own Blob Storage(BYOS)

â–  Enabled - Allows BYOS
â–  Disabled - Denies BYOS

STT Engines: MSFT

â–  All languages - select this option to allow all languages for Speech-to-Text
â–  Manual selection - select this option to allow a specific language for Speech-to-Text
â–  Default - English

The configuration is editable. It's possible to later add a language (for example).

Internal (Hebrew)

â–  Enabled - select this option to enable Hebrew for STT
â–  Disabled - select this option to disable Hebrew for STT

Hebrew Premium Transcription

â–  Enabled - select this option to enable Hebrew Premium Transcription

AI Settings: AI Technology

â–  Enabled - select this option to enable AI capability
â–  Disabled - select this option to disable AI capability

AI Hours

Configure AI hours.

â–  AudioCodes Professional Services: 3000 hours is AudioCodes' basic package, for 100 users, for a year.
â–  Service Providers: Configure this according to your packages.

Meeting Analytics Dashboard

â–  Select the 'Enabled' option to allow Meeting Analytics Dashboard, i.e., to allow admin to produce Power Business Intelligence (BI) Analytics reports showing the extent to which and the depth at which enterprise employees are engaging with Meeting Insights and its features.
â–  Select the 'Disabled' option to disallow Meeting Analytics Dashboard, i.e., to disallow admin from producing Power Business Intelligence (BI) Analytics reports showing the extent to which and the depth at which enterprise employees are engaging with Meeting Insights and its features.
2. After filling in the form, click Deploy.

3. View the statuses updating, indicated by the green font.

4. Wait for all statuses to update and then view the following:

5. Click Close; an email is sent informing that Meeting Insights is ready for use and that three steps remain for correct app operation. See here for more information.