OC Essential default SBC cleanup script
This script removes the license from an OC Essential customer (reverts to a lead) whose license was applied using the 'OC Essential default SBC Onboarding script' (OC Essential default SBC Onboarding script) and downgrades an OC Pro customer to an OC Essential customer. (Check).
### Script Version OC 1.0 ###
# Removing OC Customer with Advanced Settings (IP Groups)
configure voip
no ip-group where name "{{CustomerId}}-c"
no ip-group where name "{{CustomerId}}-t"
no sip-definition account where account-name "{{CustomerId}}"
{{#each SBC.DialPlanPrefixes}}
sbc dial-plan where name "{{this.DialPlanName}}"
no dial-plan-rule where name "{{../CustomerId}}"
do write