Telephony Tone Parameters
The telephony tone parameters are described in the table below.
Tone Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
'Dial Tone Duration' configure voip > gateway dtmf-supp-service dtmf-and-dialing > dt-duration [TimeForDialTone] |
Defines the duration (in seconds) that the dial tone is played. The device plays the tone to an ISDN terminal. The parameter is applicable for overlap dialing if you configure the [ISDNInCallsBehavior] parameter to 65536. The dial tone is played if the ISDN Setup message doesn't include the called number. The valid range is 0 to 60. The default is 5. Note: |
'Reorder Tone Duration' configure voip > gateway analog fxo-setting > reorder-tone-duration [TimeForReorderTone] |
Defines the duration (in seconds) that the device plays a busy or reorder tone before releasing the line. You can also configure this feature per specific calls, using Tel Profiles ('Time For Reorder Tone' parameter). For a detailed description of the parameter and for configuring the feature in the Tel Profiles table, see Configuring Tel Profiles. Note: If the feature is configured for a specific Tel Profile, the device ignores this global parameter for calls associated with the Tel Profile. |
'Cut Through Reorder Tone Duration' configure voip > gateway digital settings > cut-thru-reord-dur [CutThroughTimeForReOrderTone] |
Defines the duration (in seconds) of the reorder tone played to the Tel side after the IP call party releases the call, for the Cut-Through feature. After the tone stops playing, an incoming call is immediately answered if:
The valid values are 0 to 30. The default is 0 (i.e., no reorder tone is played). |
'Play Busy Tone to Tel' configure voip > sip-definition settings > play-bsy-tone-2tel [PlayBusyTone2ISDN] |
Enables the device to play a busy or reorder tone to the PSTN after a Tel-to-IP call is released.
Note: The parameter is applicable only to digital interfaces. |
configure voip > gateway digital settings > q850-reason-code-2play-user-tone [Q850ReasonCode2PlayUserTone] |
Defines an ISDN Q.8931 release cause code(s), which if mapped to the SIP release reason received from the IP side, causes the device to play a user-defined tone from the installed PRT file to the Tel side. For example, if the received SIP release cause is 480 Temporarily Unavailable and you configure the parameter with Q.931 release code 18 (No User Responding), the device plays the user-defined tone to the Tel side. The user-defined tone is configured when creating the PRT file, using AudioCodes DConvert utility. The tone must be assigned to the "acSpecialConditionTone" (Tone Type 21) option in DConvert. The parameter can be configured with up to 10 release codes. When configuring multiple codes, separate the codes by commas (without spaces). For example: Q850ReasonCode2PlayUserTone = 1,18,24 If the SIP release reason received from the IP side is mapped to the Q.931 release code specified by the parameter, the device plays the user-defined tone. Otherwise, if not specified and the release code is 17 (User Busy), the device plays the busy tone and for all other release codes, the device plays the reorder tone. Note:
configure voip > sip-definition settings > play-rbt2tel [PlayRBTone2Tel] |
Defines the playing method of the ringback tone to the Tel side.
1) If the device receives a SIP 180 Ringing response (with or without SDP) and the [LocalISDNRBSource] parameter is configured to 1, it plays a ringback tone and sends an ISDN Alert with PI = 8, unless the [ProgressIndicator2ISDN_x] parameter is configured differently.
When there are multiple 18x responses, if a 18x response without SDP is received after the remote media is played (due to a previously received 18x with SDP), the device plays the local media instead of the remote, until a new 18x with SDP is received.
1) [LocalISDNRBSource] configured to 1: The device plays a ringback tone and sends an ISDN Alert with PI = 8 to the ISDN (unless the [ProgressIndicator2ISDN_x] parameter is configured differently). 2) [LocalISDNRBSource] configured to 0: The device doesn't play a ringback tone. No PI is sent in the ISDN Alert message, unless the [ProgressIndicator2ISDN_x] parameter is configured differently. In this case, the PBX / PSTN plays a ringback tone to the originating terminal. Note that the receipt of a 183 response results in an ISDN Progress message, unless [SIP183Behaviour] is configured to 1. If [SIP183Behaviour] is configured to 1 (183 is handled the same way as a 180 with SDP), the device sends an Alert message with PI = 8 without playing a ringback tone..
Note: For ISDN trunks, this option is applicable only if the [LocalISDNRBSource] parameter is configured to 1. |
'Play Ringback Tone to IP' configure voip > sip-definition settings > play-rbt-2ip [PlayRBTone2IP] |
Global parameter that enables the device to play a ringback tone to the IP side for IP-to-Tel calls. You can also configure this feature per specific calls, using IP Profiles ('Play RB Tone to IP' parameter). For a detailed description of the parameter and for configuring this feature in the IP Profiles table, see Configuring IP Profiles. Note: If you configure this feature for a specific IP Profile, the device ignores this global parameter for calls associated with the IP Profile. |
'Play Local RBT on ISDN Transfer' configure voip > gateway digital settings > play-l-rbt-isdn-trsfr [PlayRBTOnISDNTransfer] |
Determines whether the device plays a local ringback tone for ISDN's Two B Channel Transfer (TBCT), Release Line Trunk (RLT), or Explicit Call Transfer (ECT) call transfers to the originator when the second leg receives an ISDN Alerting or Progress message.