Alternative Tel-to-IP Routing upon SIP 3xx with Multiple Contacts

You can configure how the device handles received SIP 3xx responses containing multiple alternative contacts. The 3xx response indicates that the original destination is unavailable (e.g., 301 "Moved Permanently – user cannot be found") and that the call can be redirected to alternative destinations specified in the SIP Contact headers.

You can configure the device to handle the receipt of 3xx responses in one of the following ways:

The device tries each contact sequentially in the Contact headers, until a successful destination is found. If a contact responds with a SIP 486 or 600, the device doesn't redirect the call to the next contact, but instead rejects the call.
The device tries each contact sequentially in the Contact headers. If a SIP 6xx Global Failure response is received (e.g., 600 Busy Everywhere), the device doesn't redirect the call to the next contact, but instead rejects the call.
The device redirects the call to the first contact listed in the Contact header. If the contact responds with a SIP response that is configured in the Reasons for Tel-to-IP Alternative Routing table (see Alternative Routing Based on SIP Responses), the device tries to redirect the call to the next contact, and so on. If a contact responds with a response that is not configured in the table, the device doesn't try to redirect the call to the next contact, but instead rejects the call.
To configure handling of SIP 3xx response with multiple contacts:
1. Open the Routing Settings page (Setup menu > Signaling & Media tab > Gateway folder > Routing > Routing Settings).
2. From the '3xx Use Alt Route Reasons' drop-down list, select the required handling.

3. Click Apply.

If a SIP 401 or 407 response is received from a contact, the device doesn't try to redirect the call to the next contact. Instead, the device continues with regular authentication as indicated by these response types.