Creating a Login Welcome Message

You can create a personalized welcome message that is displayed on the Web Login screen. The message always begins with the title "Note" and has a color background, as shown in the example below:

To create a login welcome message:
1. Using a text-based editor (e.g., Notepad) to create an ini file that includes only the [WelcomeMessage] table parameter. Use the parameter to configure your message, where each index row is a line in your message, for example:
[WelcomeMessage ]
FORMAT Index = Text;
WelcomeMessage 1 = "*********************************";
WelcomeMessage 2 = "** This is a Welcome message! **";
WelcomeMessage 3 = "*********************************";
2. Upload the ini file to the device through the Auxiliary Files page (see Loading Auxiliary Files).
3. Save your new configuration to flash.

Uploading an ini file through the Auxiliary Files page doesn't require a device restart.

To remove the welcome message:
1. Download the device's configuration as an ini file through the Configuration File page (see Downloading and Uploading ini Configuration File).
2. Open the file in a text-based editor, remove the [WelcomeMessage] table, and then save the file.
3. Upload the file through the Configuration File page.

After the file is uploaded, the device restarts to apply your new configuration.