Direct Inward Dialing Parameters

The Direct Inward Dialing (DID) parameters are described in the table below.

DID Parameters



'DID Wink'

configure voip > sip-definition settings > did-wink-enbl


Global parameter enabling Direct Inward Dialing (DID) using Wink-Start signaling, typically used for signaling between an E-911 switch and the PSAP.

You can also configure the feature per specific calls, using Tel Profiles ('DID Wink' parameter). For a detailed description of the parameter and for configuring the feature in the Tel Profiles table, see Configuring Tel Profiles.


If the feature is configured for a specific Tel Profile, the settings of the global parameter is ignored for calls associated with the Tel Profile.

'Time Between DID Winks'

configure voip > sip-definition settings > time-between-did-winks


Defines the interval (in msec) for wink signaling:

Double-wink signaling [2]: interval between the first and second wink
Wink and Polarity signaling [3]: interval between wink and polarity change

The valid range is 100 to 2000. The default is 1000.

Note: See the EnableDIDWink parameter for configuring the wink signaling type.

'Delay Before DID Wink'

configure voip > sip-definition settings > delay-b4-did-wink


Defines the time interval (in msec) between the detection of the off-hook and the generation of the DID Wink.

The valid range is 0 to 1,000. The default is 0.



Determines the type of DID signaling support for NTT (Japan) modem: DTMF- or Frequency Shift Keying (FSK)-based signaling. The devices can be connected to Japan's NTT PBX using 'Modem' DID lines. These DID lines are used to deliver a called number to the PBX.

[0] = (Default) FSK-based signaling
[1] = DTMF-based signaling

configure voip > gateway analog > enable-did


This table parameter enables support for Japan NTT 'Modem' DID per FXS port. FXS interfaces can be connected to Japan's NTT PBX using 'Modem' DID lines. These DID lines are used to deliver a called number to the PBX. The DID signal can be sent alone or combined with an NTT Caller ID signal.
The format of the ini file table parameter is as follows:
FORMAT Index = IsEnable; Port, Module;


IsEnable = Enables [1] or disables [0] (default) Japan NTT Modem DID support.
Port = Port number.
Module = Module number.

For example:
EnableDID 0 = 1,1,2; (DID is enabled on Port 1 of Module 2)


To enable DID for all FXS ports, use the corresponding global parameter [EnableDID], below.

configure voip > sip-definition settings > enable-did


Enables support for Japan NTT 'Modem' DID for all FXS ports.


To enable DID per FXS port, use the corresponding table parameter [EnableDID] (above).

configure voip > interface fxs-fxo > wink-time


Defines the time (in msec) elapsed between two consecutive polarity reversals. The parameter can be used for DID signaling, for example, E911 lines to the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP), according to the Bellcore GR-350-CORE standard (see the parameter [Enable911PSAP]).

The valid range is 0 to 4,294,967,295. The default is 200.

Note: For the parameter to take effect, a device restart is required.