Assigning IDS Policies

The IDS Matches table lets you implement your configured IDS Policies. You do this by assigning IDS Policies to any, or a combination of the following configuration entities:

SIP Interface: For detection of malicious attacks on specific SIP Interface(s). To configure SIP Interfaces, see Configuring SIP Interfaces.
Proxy Sets: For detection of malicious attacks from specified Proxy Set(s). To configure Proxy Sets, see Configuring Proxy Sets.
Subnet addresses: For detection of malicious attacks from specified subnet addresses.

You can configure up to 20 IDS Policy-Matching rules.

The following procedure describes how to configure the IDS Match table through the Web interface. You can also configure it through ini file [IDSMatch] or CLI (configure voip > ids match).

To configure an IDS Policy-Matching rule:
1. Open the IDS Matches table (Setup menu > Signaling & Media tab > Intrusion Detection folder > IDS Matches).
2. Click New; the following dialog box appears:

The figure above shows a configuration example where the IDS Policy "SIP Trunk" is applied to SIP Interfaces 1 and 2, and to all source IP addresses outside of subnet and IP address

3. Configure a rule according to the parameters described in the table below.
4. Click Apply, and then save your settings to flash memory.

IDS Matches Table Parameter Descriptions





Defines an index number for the new table record.

'SIP Interface IDs'



Assigns a SIP Interface(s) to the IDS Policy. This indicates the SIP Interfaces that are being attacked.

The valid value is the ID of the SIP Interface. The following syntax is supported:

A comma-separated list of SIP Interface IDs (e.g., 1,3,4)
A hyphen (-) indicates a range of SIP Interfaces (e.g., 3,4-7 means IDs 3, and 4 through 7)
A prefix of an exclamation mark (!) means negation of the set (e.g., !3,4-7 means all indexes excluding 3, and excluding 4 through 7)

'Proxy Set IDs'



Assigns a Proxy Set(s) to the IDS Policy. This indicates the Proxy Sets from where the attacks are coming from. The following syntax is supported:

A comma-separated list of Proxy Set IDs (e.g., 1,3,4)
A hyphen (-) indicates a range of Proxy Sets (e.g., 3,4-7 means IDs 3, and 4 through 7)
A prefix of an exclamation mark (!) means negation of the set (e.g., !3,4-7 means all indexes excluding 3, and excluding 4 through 7)


Only the IP address of the Proxy Set is considered (not port).
If a Proxy Set has multiple IP addresses, the device considers the Proxy Set as one entity and includes all its IP addresses in the same IDS count.




Defines the subnet to which the IDS Policy is assigned. This indicates the subnets from where the attacks are coming from. The following syntax can be used:

Basic syntax is a subnet in CIDR notation (e.g., means all sources with IP address in the range–
An IP address can be specified without the prefix length to refer to the specific IP address.
Each subnet can be negated by prefixing it with (!), which means all IP addresses outside that subnet.
Multiple subnets can be specified by separating them with "&" (and) or "|" (or) operations (without quotation marks), for example: | includes subnet and IP address
! & ! includes all addresses except those of subnet and IP address Note that the exclamation mark (!) appears before each subnet. & ! includes subnet, except IP address




Assigns an IDS Policy (configured in Configuring IDS Policies).