Applying Downloaded ini File after Graceful Timeout

If you use the Automatic Update feature for updating the device's configuration from an ini file, you can configure the device to gracefully lock itself before applying the settings of the ini file. When the Automatic Update feature is triggered (for example, by a device restart) and the device downloads the ini file from the remote provisioning server, the graceful timeout begins. During this period, the device doesn't accept any new calls, allowing only existing calls to continue until the timeout expires. If all existing calls end before the timeout expires, the device applies the configuration of the downloaded ini file. If there are still existing calls when the timeout expires, the device terminates the calls, and then applies the configuration of the downloaded ini file.

To configure graceful timeout for automatic update of ini file:
1. In the ini file used for enabling and configuring the device for Automatic Update, include the following parameters with the other parameters (such as IniFileURL) relating to Automatic Update setup:
AdminStateLockControl=<Graceful Timeout>
2. Upload the ini file to the device.