Dial Plan Notations

The notations that you can use for configuring the 'Prefix field in the Dial Plan Rule table are described in the table below. As this field is used in the Dial Plan to match a number pattern (source or destination) based on prefix, suffix or entire number, the notations are relevant to both prefix and suffix of the number (unless explicitly stated otherwise).




Specific digit.


Lower-case letter.

Note: Case-sensitivity of Dial Plan matching depends on the settings of the 'Prefix Case Sensitivity' parameter in the Dial Plan table.


Upper-case letter.

Note: Case-sensitivity of Dial Plan matching depends on the settings of the 'Prefix Case Sensitivity' parameter in the Dial Plan table.


Wildcard (metacharacter) that represents any single digit from 0 through 9.


The wildcard is case-insensitive.
To represent the character "x", precede it with the escape "\" character. For example, to represent an upper-case "X", use this syntax: \X


Wildcard (metacharacter) that represents any single digit from 1 through 9.


The wildcard is case-insensitive.
To represent the character "z", precede it with the escape "\" character. For example, to represent a lower-case "z", use this syntax: \z


Wildcard (metacharacter) that represents  any single digit from 2 through 9.


The wildcard is case-insensitive.
To represent the character "n", precede it with the escape "\" character. For example, to represent an upper-case "N", use this syntax: \N


(Dot) Wildcard (metacharacter) that represents any single character (letter, digit or symbol).

To represent the dot "." character itself, precede it with the escape "\" character (see below).


(Asterisk symbol) If it is the only character in the rule, it functions as a wildcard (metacharacter) that represents any amount of digits or letters (i.e., matches everything).

To represent the asterisk "*" symbol itself, precede it with the escape "\" character (see below).

Note: You can’t use a non-escaped * as part of the rule. For example, the following are invalid rules: “333*” or “192\.168\.0\.*”  


(Backslash escape character) When it prefixes the wildcard character “n”, “x”, “z”, or “.”, the character is escaped and used literally instead of the wildcard function.

For example, “10\.255\.255\.x” represents the IP address 10.255.255.[0-9]. As each dot (.) is prefixed by a backslash, the device considers these dots as the "." character (and not the . wildcard). In addition, as the “x” at the end of the value is not prefixed by a backslash, the device considers it the x wildcard.


(Pound or hash symbol) When used at the end of the prefix, it represents the end of the number.


54324#: Represents the 5-digit number “54324”.
192\.168\.1\.[1-9]# and 192\.168\.1\.[01-96]#: Represent IP addresses to


Represents a range of numbers for the prefix. The range can include both contiguous numbers and standalone numbers.


[123-130]: Represents a prefix number “123” through “130”.
[123-130,455,766,780-790]: Represents a prefix number from “123” through “130”, “455”, “766”, or “780” through 790”.
[123,125,130]: Represents a prefix number “123”, “125”, or “130”.


The range (number ranges and single numbers) must contain the same amount of digits, as shown in the examples above where the number ranges and single numbers all contain three digits.
The device matches the numbers in the range and not the individual digits that make up the numbers. For example, if the rule’s pattern is “[001-130]”, the device matches strings such as “002”, “012”, “129” or “1001”; it doesn’t match strings “2”, “12”, “301” or “0002”.
You can’t use an empty range (e.g., "+91[]").
Ranges can contain only digits (i.e., letters are not allowed).
The mixed notation can be configured with up to 19 digits, for example,  “[1234567891234567890,1234567891234567891]”.
The range (start and end) cannot be greater than 2,147,483,647, as in the example (which is invalid) “[20000000001-40000000001]”.


Represents a range of numbers for the suffix.

The range can include both contiguous numbers and standalone numbers.


([123-130]): Represents a suffix number “123” through “130”.
([123-130,455,766,780-790]): Represents a suffix number from “123” through “130”, “455”, “766”, or “780” through “790”.
[123,125,130]: Represents a suffix number “123”, “125”, or “130”.


The range (number ranges and single numbers) must contain the same amount of digits, as shown in the examples above where the number ranges and single numbers all contain three digits.
The device matches the numbers in the range and not the individual digits that make up the numbers. For example, if the rule’s pattern is “([001-130])”, the device matches strings such as “002”, “012”, “129” or “9129”; it doesn’t match strings “2”, “12”, “302” or “0200”.
You can’t use an empty suffix range (e.g., "+91([])").
Ranges can contain only digits (i.e., letters are not allowed).
The mixed notation can be configured with up to 19 digits, for example, “([1234567891234567890,1234567891234567891])”.
The range (start and end) cannot be greater than 2,147,483,647, as in the example (which is invalid) “([20000000001-40000000001])”.


Represents a specific suffix, which can contain digits and letters.


[123-130](456): represent a number whose prefix number is “123” through “130” and whose suffix is “456”.
123(UK): represent a number whose prefix number is “123” and whose suffix is “UK”.

Note: You can’t use an empty suffix (e.g., "+91()”).