Connecting to bot frameworks

To connect VoiceAI Connect to a third-party bot framework, you need to provide AudioCodes with the details of the specific bot framework, as mentioned below for each bot framework provider.

Bot frameworks with direct speech services

Some bot frameworks that also support voice channels, whereby VoiceAI Connect can pass the user's audio stream directly to the bot, also provide speech-to-text and text-to-speech services. These can be used instead of employing dedicated speech service providers.

This feature can only be configured by the VoiceAI Connect Administrator, using the following bot parameters:






Enables the use of the bot framework’s speech-to-text service instead of a standalone one.

  • true

  • false (Default)


  • The parameter is applicable only to Google (CX and ES) and Azure bot frameworks.

  • For the Azure bot framework, both the directTTS and directSTT parameter must be configured to true.

  • If you are using the additionalSttProviders parameter, directSTT parameter must be configured to false.



Enables the use of the bot framework’s text-to-speech service instead of a standalone one.

  • true

  • false (Default)


  • The parameter is applicable only to Google (CX and ES) and Azure bot frameworks.

  • For the Azure bot framework, both the directTTS and directSTT parameter must be configured to true.

  • If you are using the additionalTtsProviders parameter, directTTS parameter must be configured to false.

Microsoft Azure bot framework

To connect to the Microsoft Azure bot framework, you need to provide AudioCodes with the bot's secret key. To obtain this key, refer to Azure's documentation.

Microsoft Azure Bot Framework Direct Line Version 3.0 must be used.


The key is configured on VoiceAI Connect using the botSecret parameter in the bots section.

To overwrite the default URL ( used to create a conversation with the Direct Line API, use the botURL parameter (string) in the bots section.

To specify a Direct Line endpoint, use the botHost parameter in the providers section.

The botHost parameter is applicable only to VoiceAI Connect Enterprise Version 2.6 and later.

The Azure bot framework supports the use of a voice channel. Therefore, instead of using a dedicated speech-to-text or text-to-speech service provider, you can use the bot for these services. To enable this, the VoiceAI Connect Administrator must configure both the directSTT and directTTS parameters to true.

Microsoft Copilot Studio

Open bot configuration

To connect to the Microsoft Copilot Studio bot framework, you need to provide AudioCodes with the bot's Direct Line Speech token endpoint.

To obtain this URL, go to Settings > Channels, click on the Direct Line Speech tile, and copy the Token Endpoint in your bot web page.


The token endpoint is configured in VoiceAI Connect using the copilotTokenURL parameter in credentials parameter of the provider to the bot.

Secured access configuration

If web channel security is enabled you need to provide the secret and EnvironmentId.


The Environment Id needs to be in the bot provider under environment. The secret key is configured on VoiceAI Connect using the botSecret parameter in the credentials section of the bot configuration.

Microsoft Copilot Studio legacy bots

From VoiceAI Connect Enterprise Version 3.20, you can't create bots based on Microsoft's Copilot Studio legacy bots framework (formerly known as Microsoft Power Virtual Agents or PVA). To create bots, use Microsoft Copilot Studio.

To connect to the Microsoft Copilot Studio legacy bot framework, you need to provide AudioCodes with the bot's Direct Line secret key. To obtain this key, go to Security > Web channel security.


The secret key is configured on VoiceAI Connect using the botSecret parameter in the bots > credentials section.

In addition to the secret, you need to configure the initialActivityToBot parameter as follows:

 "initialActivityToBot": {
        "name": "startConversation",
        "type": "event"

For a quick walkthrough on how to configure your bot using Microsoft Copilot Studio legacy, click here.

Google Dialogflow ES bot framework

To connect to Google Dialogflow, you need to provide AudioCodes with the following:

For VoiceAI Connect Enterprise, regions other than "global"and multiple versions of agents are supported only from Version 2.4.006 and later.


The keys are configured on VoiceAI Connect using the privateKey and clientEmail parameters in the providers > credentials section. To create the account key, refer to Google's documentation. From the JSON object representing the key, extract the private key (including the "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----" prefix) and the service account email. These two values must be configured on VoiceAI Connect using the privateKey and clientEmail parameters.

In addition, to specify a specific bot, use the projectId parameter (Project ID) in the providers section.

To integrate with Dialogflow ES agents that are deployed in regions other than the "global" (US) region, you also need to configure the region parameter (with the region ID; default is global) in the providers section.

To integrate with multiple versions of your Dialogflow ES agent and environment, you also need to configure the environment parameter (with the environment-id of the required version; default is draft) in the providers section.

Once you are in the Dialogflow ES console, the value for the region parameter can be obtained from the URL of the specific agent:<region>#/agent/<projectId> /intents

The Dialogflow ES bot framework supports the use of a voice channel. Therefore, instead of using a dedicated speech-to-text or text-to-speech service provider, you can use the bot for these services. To enable this, the VoiceAI Connect Administrator should configure the directSTT or directTTS parameters to true, respectively.

Google Dialogflow CX bot framework

For VoiceAI Connect Enterprise, region and multiple versions of agents are supported only from Version 2.4.006 and later.

Configuration (VoiceAI Connect Enterprise)

The keys are configured on VoiceAI Connect using the privateKey and clientEmail parameters in the providers > credentials section. To create the account key, refer to Google's documentation. From the JSON object representing the key, extract the private key (including the "----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----" prefix) and the service account email. These two values must be configured on VoiceAI Connect using the privateKey and clientEmail parameters.

In addition, to specify a specific bot, use the projectId, region and agentId parameters in the providers section.

To integrate with multiple versions of your Dialogflow ES agent and environment, you also need to configure the environment parameter (with the environment-id of the required version; default is draft) in the providers section.

Once you are in the Dialogflow CX console, the required parameters can be obtained from the URL of the specific agent:<projectId>/location/<region>/agents/<agentId>.

The Dialogflow ES bot framework supports the use of a voice channel. Therefore, instead of using a dedicated speech-to-text or text-to-speech service provider, you can use the bot for these services. To enable this, the VoiceAI Connect Administrator should configure the directSTT or directTTS parameters to true, respectively.

Amazon Lex V2 bot framework

To connect to Amazon Lex V2, you need to provide AudioCodes with the following:

To obtain the keys, refer to AWS documentation.

The same keys are used for all Amazon services (speech-to-text, text-to-speech, and bot framework).


The keys are configured on VoiceAI Connect using the accessKey and secretKey parameters under the credentials parameter in the providers section. Each AWS provider should also have the region parameter configured.

To specify the bot name (ID), use the providerBotName parameter in the bots section.

To configure the bot alias ID, use the botAlias parameter in the bots section.

AudioCodes Bot API bot framework

To create the channel between the VoiceAI Connect's cognitive service component and the bot provider, see AudioCodes API.